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“You trying to stealbothof my girls?” Sara’s dad asks, giving me the once-over.

“Just one of them, sir, and only if she’ll let me.”

“That was a good answer. I like him. Want a beer?”

“What is wrong with my family?” Sara asks the room.

“Sure,” I say, following Sara’s dad to the fridge. He hands me a beer after popping off the top.

“Steve, by the way. It’s good to meet you.” He reaches out to shake my hand. “Look at the wolves circling. Don’t let them get to ya. They’re all bark and mostly no bite.” He chuckles.

I grin at him, happy to have made an ally in Steve. Matthew and Nolan are whispering to themselves while Adam and Carter are sitting on the couch, pretending like they’re not waiting for me to come back. “I should probably get in there before they get too worked up.”

“That’s a good idea, kid. I’ll have another beer ready for ya when you’re done.”

Laughing, I walk back into the living room. Sara is distracted by her mom and Natalie, who must’ve come in when we were talking with Cindy.

“Hey, Tucker.”

“Hey, man!” Tucker pulls me into a bro hug, which is a bit of a surprise. “Glad you’re here.”

“What do you want with Sara?” Matthew asks.

“You gonna dick her around?” Nolan says at the same time as Matthew.

“Jesus, guys.” Carter sighs.

“Well, we need to know!” Nolan defends, and I just stand there and wait until all five men are standing around me, including Tucker, waiting for my answer.

“Look, guys, I love her. I’m here to stay for as long as she wants me around. You know your sister is a badass who can take care of herself, so she’s in control here.”

They all nod their heads, seemingly happy with my response.

“Did you really save her from being abducted?” Matthew asks quietly. The worried looks on all their faces melt the remaining tension in my shoulders.

“Yeah, but she can kick my ass now, so I think she’ll be okay,” I say in an attempt to lighten the mood. I can understand why they’re worried about her. They’ve been her protectors since day one, which is also why I can understand why Sara didn’t want to tell them what happened. Maybe if they see how capable she is now, they won’t have to worry so much.

“Psh. Now you’re blowing smoke up our asses,” Nolan mocks.

“Hey, Shortcake,” I holler into the dining room. Sara’s head whips up, her face immediately worried I’m getting pummeled by her brothers. “Nolan doesn’t believe you can kick my ass.”

“Oh, shit,” Tucker and Adam whisper.

Sara’s jaw sets in a stubborn lock as she takes in Nolan. “Is that so?”

“Please just move my coffee table,” Cindy huffs before walking into the kitchen. Steve steps next to me as Sara stands up to Nolan.

“Let’s see what you can do,Shortcake.” Nolan smirks.

Sara winks at me while grinning, and I couldn’t be prouder of her. Matthew moves the table while Carter stands between them as referee.

“No junk shots, please. I’d prefer not to hear Nolan whine about his baby-maker.” Carter sighs. “And go.”

Within three minutes, Sara has Nolan pinned on the ground.

“Holy fuck,” Matthew says, his slack-jawed look mirroring Carter’s, Nolan’s, and Adam’s. Steve looks pleased as punch while Tucker and I are snickering behind our fists.

“Okay. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t prepared for that. Let’s go again,” Nolan says, suddenly way more serious than he started.
