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I lost.



Just look at her.

I brush her silky hair off her forehead, revealing her beautiful face. I’m finally close enough to touch her, to breathe her in like I’ve wanted to for months. She’s more than I ever thought she’d be.

I know I need to leave; I need to get out of this place, but it’s so hard to take my eyes off her.

She’s finally mine.

I buckle her into the seat, tying her hands to the door just in case she wakes up. I didn’t want to hurt her. I really didn’t. But she gave me no choice. It’s imperative we leave now, otherwise, I would have had to leave her behind, and that was not an option.

So, I did what I had to do.

She’ll be okay with it when we get to where we’re going. She’ll forgive me, I know it. I’ve forgiven her for all of her mistakes. That’s what you do when you love someone.

I get into the car to drive back to the house. It’s not the best place in the world, but it’s safe, which is the most important thing to me.

Sara and I will be safe there—from everybody.

When I’m finally home, I lift Sara from the back seat, her head resting on my chest. I cuddle her closer to me, happy to finally have her in my arms. She’s the one thing that’s only for me. My everything. I can’t wait to start our life together.

I lay her down on my bed, moving her hands above her head so she’s secured to the headboard. I know she won’t be comfortable when she wakes up, but in time, we’ll be able to trust each other.

I lie down next to her, making one of my fantasies come true. She’s so small next to me. I’ll have to be very careful. I don’t want to break her.

I run the back of my finger across her face. So beautiful.

And finally mine.



“Come on, guys! Time to go inside,” I yell at the dogs. We’ve been hanging out in the backyard to get some fresh air. It feels like it’s a million degrees outside, but the shade trees are doing a pretty good job of keeping things cooler. The dogs have been going back and forth between running around like loons and lying on the cool concrete.

Sara was probably right that soup was a bad idea, but their BLT is not the same without their chicken noodle soup. Maybe I could talk Sara into getting ice cream so I can lick it off her later.

That’s a much better idea.

I open the back door for the dogs to run inside, following behind them. They slurp water like it’s going out of style before plopping down on their beds for a nap. The three of them have become inseparable. They became buddies when they first met at the dog park, but ever since I’ve been staying with Sara, they’ve become more like a pack than just friends.

It’s kind of crazy how quickly we all got into a rhythm of living together. There were hiccups—I’m only allowed to shower at night since neither one of us is very quick about it, and she’s never allowed to cook our meals because the dish count is astronomical—but for the most part, we’ve settled in easily.

The decision was a no-brainer for me after Cooper told us he didn’t get anything from the evidence they collected after the break-in. I wasn’t about to let the love of my life live alone in a house her stalker knows how to break into. I don’t regret that the situation has pushed our relationship forward faster than would be typical. We haven’t been dating that long, and most people would say that moving in together this quickly would be a bad idea.

But at this point, I know everything I need to know about Sara to be sure she’s who I want for the rest of my life. Dealing with all the shit with Rebecca and my job was all for her. And it was worth it. It was absolutely worth it.

My phone pings with a message.

Sara:Decorations were a bust. Any other ideas?”

About a million, all having to do with her. Instead, I go for teasing, which she doesn’t appreciate.

I smile at my phone like an idiot. How can I not love a woman who is sassing me one second and reminding me why I fell in love with her the next?
