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She’s my perfect match in every way.

I’m definitely going to do the ice cream thing. The frozen treat against her warm skin.

Shit, now I’m hard.

I swear, I’m worse than a horny teenager around her. I grab my shoes and get ready to leave the house.

When my phone rings, I answer without looking, expecting it to be Sara telling me she found a table already.


“Benjamin. Thank God you answered,” Rebecca’s whiny voice says through the speaker.


I’ve been dodging her calls ever since she came to the clinic. I have nothing more to say to her, but she’s been relentless in her effort to talk to me. Being told no is not something she handles well, obviously.

I sigh into the phone, already exhausted by her theatrics. “What do you want, Rebecca?”

“Ben, please, I need your help. I rolled my ankle getting to my car, and you’re the only one I know here who can help me.”

“You’re still in Sonoma?” I guess I should’ve been prepared for this after she confronted Sara.

“Yes, I just… I thought maybe I could try to talk to you one more time, but I’ve taken the hint. You don’t want to talk to me. But I do need help.”

Something in her voice has the protector in me sitting up. If she’s hurt, there’s no one here who would help her.

Sighing again, I agree to meet her, even though this isn’t a good idea. I don’t know what else to do, though.

Sadie gives me the same eyeball she’s always given me when it comes to Rebecca, and I suddenly understand the look when I never could interpret it before. “What else am I supposed to do? Leave her stranded?”

A huff comes from Koda, and I roll my eyes. I’m surrounded by animals who are entirely too intelligent for their own good.

Leaving the house, I call Sara to tell her I can’t make it to lunch. The suspicion in her voice makes me cringe. I don’t want to keep this from her, and I won’t. I’ll tell her when I get home. I just don’t want her to stress about it. She’s got enough on her plate as it is.

I pull into a parking space next to Rebecca’s car. She’s sitting on a bench across the park, her nose buried in her phone. This feels like a setup. It probably is a setup.

This was such a bad idea.

Rebecca’s eyes meet mine before I have a chance to act on my thoughts of leaving. Resisting the urge to bang my head against the steering wheel, I get out of my car and walk to the bench.

“Thanks for coming. I thought it would be a good idea to go for a run, but I turned my ankle and can’t make it back to my car.”

“Well…let’s get you to the car.” Clearing my throat, I offer my hand. Rebecca takes it, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I have no choice but to hold on to her waist as I help her to the car. My skin crawls as her body shifts against mine.

Such a bad idea…

“Have you been working out? You feel bigger than you used to,” Rebecca asks as we hobble across the grass.

“Uh, yeah. I’ve started boxing again.”

“Good for you.” She pauses, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Do you… Could I come and watch sometime?”

I wait until we get to her car before responding. “What is this, Rebecca? We’re not reconciling. There’s no good reason for you to still be in Sonoma. Are you even hurt?”

Anger flashes in her eyes before she reins it in. “Yes, I’m actually hurt. You think I’d humiliate myself out here just to get you to see me?”

Her question is a little too on the nose. “Actually, yes. It doesn’t matter, though. I’m done after this. Go back to Greensboro, apologize to your dad, and start taking responsibility for your life.”
