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Susan waves off my acknowledgment and continues. “Over the past month, we’ve had a steady stream of missing inventory. Mostly in our drug cart. When I first began cataloging everything, I thought it was just a mistake since things weren’t in order. Now, I’m not so sure.”

“Let me print off my records, and we can compare.”

Susan nods her head, turning back to the drawer to finish her counts. When I get my lists printed, I head back to the supply closet and work with Susan to compare notes.

After an hour of going through each of our lists and comparing it to the inventory, one thing becomes clear.

Someone is stealing from the clinic.

Not just stealing random things, stealing sedatives.

“Well, shit.” I look at Susan.

“That’s an understatement.”

I run my hands through my hair. “I can’t deal with this right now.”

“You’re going to have to. This isn’t a few boxes of gloves being stolen, Benjamin.”

“I know! I…I know. Susan…”

“What’s going on? I haven’t seen you this worked up since the day you were going to tell your dad you weren’t going to North Carolina for school.”

“Someone abducted Sara today. She’s gone. She’s been dealing with a stalker these past couple of months, and they got her. Somehow, despite the things we did to keep her safe, they got her.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

My eyes bug out at Susan’s cursing, feeling as if I’m getting in trouble with my principal. “I needed the distraction. I’ve been going out of my mind with worry, so I thought looking at some inventory would be a good distraction. I didn’t think I’d find out someone was stealing fucking sedatives.”

“Okay, that’s fair.” Susan crosses her arms over her chest, a stubborn set to her jaw. “Do you know anything? Has Chief Jackson found anything yet?”

“They collected evidence but found nothing so far. Until Cooper’s call comes through, all we can do is sit and wait.”

“So, you came here to get your mind off of things?” Susan guesses.

“Yeah, and now I have to find out who’s stealing from me.”

“It’s one of your employees.”


Susan rubs my arm, an oddly comforting gesture coming from her. “Why don’t you head back home? Let your momma fuss over you until you know what’s going on.”

Not exactly what I need right now, but I know if I stay at the clinic, I’ll keep dwelling on the shit show that this day has turned into. “Thanks for your help tonight, Susan.”

“I’m sorry we didn’t have better news. Keep me updated about Sara.”

I nod my head, then leave the clinic to head home. My thoughts are blank as I drive, my brain unable to focus on any one thing. It’s honestly a nice reprieve.

When I pull into the driveway of Mom and Dad’s house, it looks like they’re having a party with how many cars are parked outside. My phone starts ringing as I get out of the car, Cooper’s name popping up on the screen.

“Hey, I’m on my way to your place. Everyone still there?” he asks.

“Yeah, we’re all still here,” I respond, walking into the house. Everyone’s head whips up, hope filling the room before disappointment takes its place when they see it’s only me. I’m sure they were all hoping it was Sara coming home, or even Cooper with an update.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Cooper hangs up.

At least I can tell them he’ll be here soon.
