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We’re all sweaty and breathing hard from the game as we gather around in a circle. “How’s everything at Sideline? Tessa doing okay?” I ask, stretching out my tired muscles. Adam and Matthew own Sideline Sporting Goods, a very successful chain of sports equipment stores. They sell every kind of sporting equipment you’d ever need. They’ve made a killing from it, too. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

“Things are fine.” Adam shrugs. “Tessa is good. I wish she didn’t have to go on maternity leave, though.”

“Mister perfectionist over here is worried the temp agency is going to send a moron who has no qualifications to replace his secretary,” Matthew teases.

“No, I’m just used to how Tessa works. Trying to get used to someone new is going to suck.”

“That explanation isn’t any better, dude.” Nolan grins at Adam. I agree with him. Adam tends to be a perfectionist, and he expects his employees to be the same. He can be kind of a grump about it, actually, which is why I am so glad I do not work for him. I pity the person who will be filling in for Tessa. They’re in for a treat.

Adam rolls his eyes, turning to me instead. “How are things at the clinic?”

“Disastrous. My new boss started, and his tableside manner sucks. He acts like he doesn’t have any desire to be there.” I’d be surprised if any of them remember Ben since he was only around for a year.

“That’s a tough situation to be in,” Matthew responds.

“There’s a chance he might hire someone to replace him, which could be good. His brand of management will be tough to get used to if he stays.”

“You can handle it, sis. You put up with Matthew and Nolan.” Carter elbows me.

I laugh at the indignation on their faces.

“Hey! You and Adam were just as bad,” Nolan argues.

“Nah, you two were the worst,” I rib them.

Matthew glares, taking a step toward me. I take off running before he can grab me, squealing as I go. The rest of the guys get in on the chase, making it a game of who can catch me first. This was exactly what I needed after the stupidly long day I had.

With my brothers’ help, I’m reminded I can put up with a lot of bullshit. Eventually, Ben’s behavior won’t get on my nerves anymore.




The spotlights shine brightly on the field, cloaking the surrounding area in darkness. I live my life in darkness. It’s the place I’m safest.

Watching her gives me comfort. Makes me feel like home. I wish I could get closer. To feel her under my hands. I bet her skin is as soft as it looks. One day, I’ll have her arms wrapped around me, holding me close. One day soon, if the plan comes together. There have been too many obstacles recently. Too many things standing in my way to get to her.

I watch her run across the field, her smile lighting up the whole place. It feels like that smile is directed right at me. I know she can feel my presence here. Why else would she be so happy?

Then those assholes start chasing her.

A growl rumbles in my chest. They’re touching her.Ishould be the one touching her. No one else. I don’t care if they’re her brothers. She’s mine. I want to run over there and take her away from them.

But then she laughs.

It brightens her entire face, making my fists unclench.

I love when she laughs.

I don’t think I can wait any longer to take her. She needs me to protect her, to keep her safe from anyone wishing her harm. We’re going to be a family soon; why would I want to wait to make that happen when she could be mine right now?

Moving the timeline up will be okay. It’ll still work out how it's supposed to, and she’ll finally be mine forever.

It’s all I’ve ever wanted.

