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The gravel crunches under my shoes as I walk toward Donna’s Bar. The building looks like an old cabin was plopped right in the middle of town with its log siding and dark-stained front porch.

This is the only decent place to get a drink in town, which usually means weekends are packed. Tonight is no exception. The rowdy crowd is loud enough to hear in the parking lot. I hurry my steps since I’m late enough as it is. I lost track of time playing with the dogs. The mild weather has made it more fun to be outside.

The noise only increases when I walk through the doors. Country music blares through the speakers, but the music will shuffle through the major hits of every genre. There’s always a little bit of everything for everyone. It’s one of the many reasons it’s so popular.

I finally spot Michelle through the crowd, sitting at a high-top table, scrolling through her phone. After the exhausting week of dealing with Benjamin, we decided a drink was in order.

Pushing my way deeper into the bar, I get stopped no less than six times by people saying hello. Friday nights are usually the busiest, with Saturdays being a close second. Hell, even Thursdays can get crazy. And in a small town, where everyone knows everyone, there’s no way you won’t see someone you know.

“I didn’t think you’d ever make it over here,” Michelle says when I get to the table.

“No kidding. Everyone’s out tonight.” I hook my bag on the back of the chair, taking out my wallet. “I’m gonna go grab a drink. Do you need another one?”

“No, I’m good. I put in an order of onion rings a bit ago, as well, if you want to share.”

“I’m starving, so I’ll get my own. And a burger. Maybe an order of wings, too.” I grin.

After another round of two-stepping my way across the bar, and mentally cursing myself for not having done this first, I finally have a drink in hand.

“Remind me why we decided to come here on a Friday night?” I ask Michelle when I’m back at the table.

“Because we both wanted onion rings, and this is the best place to get them.” She crunches down on said ring, a teasing glint in her eye since I don’t have my food yet.

“Maybe we should open a food truck. Offer all the bar food without the wait.” My stomach grumbles at the thought.

“When would we have time to do that?”

“Never.” If I didn’t think Michelle would slap my hand, I’d steal some of her food.

“Plus, we’d miss out on the entertainment at the clinic.” Michelle laughs.

“True, although Dr. Doom and Gloom is going to be hard to deal with for eight hours every day. This week has been brutal.”

“He’s so pretty to look at, though. Kind of makes up for it.” Michelle grins.

“He does do broody really well. If only he’d keep his mouth closed the whole day, it wouldn’t be so bad.” My food is brought out to me, and I dig in with unladylike aggression—bad habits carried over from my childhood and having to compete for food against four teenage boys.

Michelle turns her nose up at my behavior but doesn’t say anything. I am what I am. There’s no changing that.

“He is kind of a jackass, isn’t he?” Michelle continues. This week with Ben has been…long, to say the least. Grumpy doesn’t even begin to cover his mood, not to mention his inability to be polite about anything. He makes a demand, then expects it to be followed. I can’t believe he acted this way at the animal hospital in Greensboro. He would’ve been fired on the spot.

He’s so talented, though. That’s what drives me crazy. If he’d lose the chip on his shoulder, he would be an incredible doctor.

“Do you think he’s going to hire someone new to come in and replace him?” I don’t want to go through another change, but if this continues, I might welcome it.

“I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t. He doesn’t want to be there, so finding someone new would solve all his problems.”

“I can see that. Let’s hope he either comes around or finds someone quickly.”

“Cheers to that.” Michelle holds up her glass, and I clink mine against hers. “How are your brothers?”

“Pains in my ass, but good. Adam was complaining about having to get a temp assistant while Tessa is out on maternity leave the other day. The dude is entirely too high-strung.”

“You should just leave them and come be my family instead.” Michelle smiles.
