Page 9 of Harmony

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“I love a good-smelling man,” Marigold said.

When I started working with Ty, I knew I would hate him and the entire process. I fought hard to keep my guard up and not seem interested in the production or anything that happened with the choir. Before I realized it, Ty had smiled and complimented his way right through my barricade. Our ‘space’ discussion went right out the window.

“Is he single?” Marigold asked.

“He’s not married. I know that for sure. Is he dealing with someone? Probably. It doesn’t matter, though. Between work and Momma, I don’t have any time to deal with a man.”

“How is Momma doing?”

“She has her good days and terrible days. I’m praying we can get her in to see that specialist, but you know they don’t take insurance and want their money upfront. Even with my little raise, I got at work, I can’t afford to pay all of that up front.”

“I can help, and you know my family will pitch in too.”

“I appreciate that.”

* * *

After arriving home,I threw my keys in the bowl near the front door. Kicking off my shoes, I picked them up and took them into my room.

“Momma, what are you doing?”

I found her sitting up in her bed.

“Just watching this message by this handsome young preacher named Pastor Israel Lewis. Have you ever heard of him?”

“No, I haven’t. Is he local?”

“No, his church is in Sable Falls.”

I got into bed next to her.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“It was okay. Jessamy came over and brought some food. There are some leftovers in the fridge for you.”

“That was sweet of her. Is she still at Davis and Foster?”

“Yeah, she’s management now. We started there together, but she was always more motivated to climb the ladder than I was. She gave me some paperwork about disability.”

“Where is the paperwork?”

“Over there,” Momma said.

She pointed to her dresser.

“Okay, I’ll read through it. Did Jessamy help you bed?”

“She stood by, but my legs worked long enough for me to get in.”

“What is he talking about, and since when do you listen to televangelists?” I asked, motioning to the tv.

“He’s not a televangelist. They post his services on YouTube. He was talking about…you know what. Just listen.”

Momma hit the replay button to play the video.

“Oh wow. He is handsome.”

“He is but listen.”
