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Chapter Five

From the front seat, I’m able to give directions, and it doesn’t take long to get to Josie’s, the little American style diner that I love. When we pull up the guys don’t look too impressed by the down to earth homely and slightly jaded decor, but I love it - it’s part of the charm. I lead the guys into the diner, and I’m immediately assaulted by a bouncing screeching waitress. She envelopes me into a huge hug, her mass of chestnut curls smothering me.

“Oh my god! Raven! I haven’t seen you in forever, where have you been?” Before I can answer her, she’s dragging me to the back booth - the diner’s largest table where I always sit - and chattering away telling me all about the latest gossip. I smile and let Carey get it all out, knowing it’s pointless to interrupt her until she’s done. I’ve been coming to this place with my dad and Lizzie since we were young. It’s like a second home to me, so I’m on first name terms with everyone. Carey’s about my age, the Saturday girl, with more personality than anyone can handle. She’s harmless though, if you stay on the right side of her.

Luckily it’s safe to bring the guys here because the staff all know that I started going by Raven after Lizzie passed. They just don’t know why. “And your hair! You look amazing, Rae! How’s life at the new school? Do you love it? Are they nice to you? Do I need to grab Aunty J and come kick some ass?”

I chuckle and take a seat, sliding into the middle of the curved booth and motioning for the guys to follow me. When they do, it’s like Carey sees them for the first time and her jaw hits the floor. “Damn girl, I think I need to enrol at your school if this is the calibre of HOT that goes there!”

“Stop,” I laugh, trying to calm her exuberance down. It won’t work, but if we want to get fed before nightfall, I’ll have to take charge. “I’m going to order for us. Five milkshakes and…” I turn to the guys. “How hungry are you?” They indicate that they’re starving, “Two big breakfasts, a stack of 15 to get started, and all the trimmings on the side, please. Tell Aunty Josie I said hi and I’ll swing by for a cuddle in a bit.”

Flabbergasted, Carey turns towards the counter to ring in my order. She was so busy staring at the guys, I have no idea if she caught my order, but I’m going to have faith. I turn, a massive grin stretching across my face, to Thorn sitting on my left. He’s pouting at me in a hilarious pantomime of sadness.


“You asked how hungry we are, we said starving, and you only ordered two breakfasts for the five of us!”

“I could say that’s because only me and you were invited on this date, so I just ordered for us.” His face brightens at that, and he’s seriously cute. Hot too, but tummy flutters cute. “However, trust me when I say I’ve ordered more than enough for all of us.”

“You haven’t seen us eat!” Rebel cuts in.

“True, but you haven’t eaten here before. Trust me. In fact, I bet we don’t even order extra pancakes.”

“You’re on! It’s a bet. What do you get if you win?”

“A date, alone, with Thorn.”

“Ahh, you want another date with me, Princess?” Thorn asks, and he has such a shit-eating grin on his face, I almost want to change my mind.

“Fine. If I win, I want a date with you. Just us two.” My heart stutters at Rebel’s declaration, and I struggle not to let my joy show.

“Deal.” We shake on it. Rebel does want to take me on a date. He’s almost even asking. Kinda. I try not to get too excited, but then my heart plummets when I realise that there’s no way he’ll win this bet. I’ve ordered enough food to feed a small country. I’m almost sad, then I remember that if I win I’ll get to go out again with Thorn and that’s in no way a consolation prize.

“Where’s my girl?” A loud voice calls out from the kitchen, and I realise I’m trapped in the middle of the booth and need to get out quickly. I stand on the leather seat and vault myself across the empty table just in time to be swept up into another massive hug, this time from Aunty Josie. Aunt J is the owner, manager, chef and heart of the diner. I think she’s old enough to be my great-grandma, but I’d never ask her age. She’s as sprightly as me. She treats everyone who visits the diner like they’re family and has been taking care of me forever.

“Let me look at my gorgeous goddaughter,” she says, holding me at arm’s length. “Oh Raven, you get more and more beautiful every time I see you! It’s been far too long girl, why have you been staying away?” She looks past me and notices that I’m not here alone. Her reaction isn’t quite as strong as Carey’s when she sees the guys, but she’s still taken aback by their beauty. “Never mind. I understand why you’ve been so busy now.” She laughs, and I blush, stuttering out protests, which she ignores.

She strides past me and over to the table, politely demanding that my guests introduce themselves. I’m impressed when all four of them slide out of the booth, get to their feet and shake her hand or kiss her cheek as they introduce themselves. I like that a lot. Good manners and gentlemanly behaviour. It’s kinda hot. I know Aunt J approves because she’s actually blushing, and she’s never taken in by a pretty face. She gives me a nod of approval before excusing herself to go back to the kitchen to cook our food.

We all sit back down, and the guys turn to stare at me. Carey brings over our milkshakes, putting mine in front of me and leaving the others in the middle of the table for the guys to fight over. I ignore their stares and take a drink of my milkshake from the stainless steel straw. Four pairs of eyes watch my every move.

“What?” I ask, uncomfortable with the staring, and turn to Thorn.

“Well, I was going to say something about this place, but now I want to know why you got given a specific milkshake, and we have leftovers to choose from.”

I shrug and take another drink, “This is my milkshake. White chocolate. I’ve been ordering this every visit since I started coming here.”

“And when was that?” Jax asks.

“Since I was about four or five, maybe?” I’m not too sure. A long time though.

“Ah, that explains why you’re family to these people then.”

I nod happily but point out that everyone is made to feel that way. “Come back for a second visit, and you’ll be family too.” I’m only half-joking because I know Aunt J already approves of these guys, so they’ll be made welcome anytime, even without me here.

“Anyway,” I continue, “I have it on good authority that your milkshakes will taste amazing too.”

“I don’t know which to have,” Rebel complains. “They all look so good.”
