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Chapter Twelve


I did need stitches. Twenty in fact. Ten on the back of my hand and another ten on the palm. The cut was small of course, even though she drove the knife right through with surprising strength, but my grandfather only employs the best, and so an expert surgeon was on standby to stitch me up. Pretty sure I could have done it myself, but this way the scarring will be minimal. Just like that cut to Kalen’s cheek. Damn boy is too pretty for his own good. I don’t mind a scar or two. I’ll happily wear them as badges of honour. Unlike Slate who prefers to keep his shame hidden.

I can’t help but wonder what state I’ll find Onyx in when I go back home. I had planned to wait out the rest of the break here on the island, but I find myself fired up and restless to get moving. I have so many questions I want to find the answers to now, a purpose I didn’t have before.

Raven’s words keep ringing in my ears too. About my lack of business experience. I’ve barely been trying in my studies. To begin with, I was keen to impress Daddy Knox, but once I understood that he was just using me, I stopped trying. So long as I was doing what he wanted, he would let my grades slide. But...I’m due to leave Knox in a few short months. And if I really want to stand on my own two feet away from The Order (assuming they let me live long enough to try) I’m going to need an actual degree to be able to do that. Not just a token slip of paper with a bachelors in business management scrawled on it by Monty. If it’s not too late, I want to try. I want to earn that right to take over the reins of my grandfather’s company.

Which is another reason to head home. I have exams after the break. Exams which I’d better start studying for. I’m not foolish enough to think I can turn around nearly four years of not giving a fuck in a matter of weeks, but if I put some sort of effort in, at least I won’t be ashamed or feel like a total fraud come graduation day.

I manage to intercept Grandfather on his own at breakfast.

“Can we talk?” I ask. He sighs and looks at me wearily.

“What is it, Baxter?”

“Where’s Cu-Cordelia?” I ask in the most civil tone I can manage. I don’t give a fuck, I just want to make sure that she isn’t going to interrupt us.

“She’s having breakfast with Charlotte. Raven. Damn it.”

“You know, that’s weird,” I point out.

“Having breakfast with your grandchild is not weird, Baxter.”

“Obviously,” I drawl, heavy on the sarcasm. “We’re doing it now and this isn’t strange at all. What I meant was, it’s weird how you keep getting her name wrong. What’s with that?”

“She changed her name. It happens. It’s just taking a little getting used to.”

“I didn’t think you’d met before,” I let slip before realising that he never told me that, I simply deduced as much from spying on their first meeting.

“Cordelia and I have been in each other’s lives for a very long time. Of course I know all about her family and she knows about mine. I may not have met Raven before now, but I know a lot about her.”

“And does she know about your life, not just your family?”

“Of course.”

“Even The Order?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Baxter. There are some things even more sacred than love.”

I scoff at that. Both at the suggestion that he loves Cuntdelia and at his insistence that The Order and its secrets are important.

“Anyway, I want to talk to you about my degree…” I begin before filling him in on my plans. He seems surprised but once he gets over the initial shock of my suggestion, he listens attentively and nods along.

“I think that is an excellent idea. I won’t make you start from the very bottom in my company to work your way up though, I think an entry level management position will do. You are a Branson after all. We have standards to maintain. But yes, I think getting some practical business experience would be good for you, and it will definitely alleviate my concerns about handing over the reins to you.”

I smile at him, a genuine smile, and he returns it with warmth before clapping me on the back.

“Well done. I don’t know what made you think of this, but I’m proud of you, Baxter.”

“Well, that’s the other thing,” I say. “I have exams in a few weeks’ time so I think it’s time I stop moping and catch a flight back home. I have some studying to do.”

For a second the old man looks like he might keel over with the shock and I worry that it was a step too far but then his face breaks out into a beaming grin and he rushes off to have the private plane readied for me.

Good. He doesn’t need to know that it’s partially a ruse. I mean, Raven was right and I do want to do better, but it will also keep him from nagging me about taking a more active role in The Order. Plus, with going home early, I can start investigating what’s going on.

My phone rings and I answer the call when I see it’s my grandfather, already calling with an update about the plane no doubt.

“Plane will be ready to go by morning. Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect. Thank you, Grandfather.”
