Page 31 of Unapologetic

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Settle down with me…

Cover me up…

Cuddle me in…

He seductively crooned “Kiss Me” by Ed Sheeran. The deep throaty sound of his voice belting out a song, a sound I hadn’t heard in ages, transported me back to the besotted girl I was. There was something about him singing … like he was reaching my soul, the very essence of me, mingling it with his. It’s within the words, the sound, the depth of his tenor that managed to affect my stone-cold heart.

When the second the song ended, I let out a breath. Maybe it was the alcohol, because I suddenly felt hot all over.

Carly, Manu, Phoenix, and Kells got up to gather more refreshments, but as Manu rounded the pool, Phoenix gently pushed him toward the water, hence making him lose his balance. Fortunately before he was thrown into the water, he succeeded in yanking the Phoenix with him.

Shrills of laughter echoed the second Manu decided to get out of the pool and drag his girlfriend Carly with him. Kells went next, fully clothed, which was odd because she didn’t seem to mind. While Anton watched on, I didn’t see the creeper that threw me, but before I surfaced the water, River’s steel band of arms wrapped around my body from behind, pulling me against his hard, rigid body.

“River, what the hell!” I screeched as I pushed his shoulder, somewhat enraged. “I don’t have a change of clothes!” Quite honestly, I was more concerned about his hands on me.

“You just looked so lonely here all by your lonesome. I needed to remedy that.” He grinned, pulling me close and kissing the tip of my nose.

My world stopped for a brief moment before a loud thrashing and a string of chortled laughter came from Kells, making me twist my head around to watch her interact with Phoenix. They seemed to hit it off, making me frown with concern.

“Phoenix isn’t married, is he?” As much as I loved my friend, no one could deny that she had a knack for getting involved with the unavailable.

River’s face contorted before giving me a skeptical look. “What a weird question, but no, he’s not married. Well, not that I know of.”

“Good, good.” I let out a sigh of relief. I would hate for her to get hurt again.

“Okay … That’s good.” He beamed before cupping my cheek. “You look so beautiful. It hurts to look at you sometimes.”

If only that were true.

I laughed before rolling my eyes. “You mean, I look like a homeless wet rat.”

“Oh, Cara, sometimes it’s okay not to be so modest all the time,” he stated before reverting his eyes toward the rest of the folks lounging around the fire pit. “Come swim with us, Anton? Lauren? Rock!” River tried to coax his friends to join the drowned rats crew. They politely declined.

“You always like it wet, don’t you, River?” Mint, the gorgeous woman with the gloriously long, blonde tresses snickered before sipping on her drink. I detected jealousy in her tone. Typical and not at all surprising.

“Is something going on with you and that little missy over there?” I suspiciously eyed the man close to me.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I swear nothing’s going on. Well, not in my point of view, anyway.”

“Mind emphasizing that?” Why did I care? It wasn’t like I was going to be a part of his world. Besides, this was just one-time. Again, what did I care?

“Give me some credit, Cara. If I had anything going on with her, why would I bring her along knowing that you’ll be here as well? I wouldn’t dare insult you like that.”

“Because you don’t care about such things.” Since when did he become so sensitive to my feelings? He was a bastard for letting me quietly suffer while he trotted along with his female cohorts.

“On the contrary, I care a great fucking deal.”

Our eyes clashed; one filled with purpose, the other filled with uncertainty. His heavy-laden gaze was formidable.

“Whatever. I need a drink.” I quickly swam toward the edge of the pool before pulling myself out of the water and immediately heading toward Anton, who was conveniently sitting next to the drinks.

“Can you mix me something good?” All the ails in the world could be temporary relieved with alcohol. Though some were rolling joints, I wasn’t tempted to go that far. Yet.

“Sure, I got you, Sprinkles.” Anton poured whatever he fancied into the glass tumbler, ganja at his lips. He seemed to be enjoying the newfound company, an odd case for him since he didn’t like mingling with new people.

“Here,” he said gleefully, handing me the concocted drink.

“Thanks,” I mumbled before I took a sip and immediately coughed in protest. “This bitch is strong. Holy smokes, my throat is on fire! I think it just burned a hole in my stomach.” The hellish mixture was toxic but I didn’t mind it—not tonight. Not when I needed to ignore the fact that I was at war with myself, while River patiently watched, biding him time before going in for the kill. And God help me, he was going for the kill.
