Page 68 of Unapologetic

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Chapter Twenty-Two

“You don’t sound good. Guess that means you didn’t go, huh?” Kyle observed from the wretched tone of my voice.

Pulling a pillow somewhere, I placed it over my head before grumbling, “Thanks for waking me up. My life really must be that interesting if you’re keen to know.”

He chuckled. “Let’s just say I really like you. Fuck, I want you for myself, but this isn’t about me. If you can fix this, you really should before it’s too late.”

“So, you want me, huh?” I smiled through my pain.

Kyle was always teasing and so light-hearted that it was difficult not to adore him.

“You know I want you a great deal, Cara. We click, and let’s just say the sex is a fucking good bonus, too. What more can a man need?” He was straightforward with his intentions, blatant and impenitent.

“So, you’re basically waiting to see what will happen so you can sweep in and take me for yourself, is that it?”

He chortled on the other end of the line. “Like I said, I want you. If things are really over between you two, then I’m more than happy to step in and take you for myself.”

“Because the sex is good?” I pressed, grinning from ear-to-ear.

“That and because you’re so fucking scrumptious. What man wouldn’t want you, Cara? I’d have to be blind or gay not to fucking desire you. Above all, you’re funny and sweet, and you have a good head on your shoulders. What more do you want to hear?”

There was never a doubt how Kyle loved the sex. The man was quite something else in the sheets. However, he was right; I had to fix whatever was ailing me with River or I wouldn’t be able to fully move on. We hadn’t had closure the first time, so I should have the decency not to let us both suffer the second time. I was done being spiteful.

“Gah, you’ve bombarded me with too much, and I haven’t had coffee yet.”

“Get out of bed, fix yourself a cup of joe, and get things rolling. I’ll see you soon. Whatever you decide, we’re good either way.”

Kyle was a sweetheart. I was sure he and I would get on even if River was in or out of the picture. We had that kind of chemistry—easy going, no fuss, no hurt feelings.

Since I had vowed to stop being so spiteful, I swallowed my colossal pride and dialed River’s number.

It rang … and rang … and after the fifth ring, I was about to hang up when I heard him say hello. He sounded sleepy, like I had woken him up. Was he in bed with Hailey?

Bile rose from my throat before I swallowed it back down, telling myself to get a fucking grip and focus on the task at hand—which was to extend an olive branch.

“Hey, it’s me. I was wondering, um … if we can talk,” I babbled fretfully as I silently cursed myself for sounding so nervous. What was wrong with me?

There was a pause on his end before I heard him groan and shift from his position in bed. “Yeah, what’s up?”

“No, I meant face to face. Can I come over to your place? If that’s okay with you?” Did I sound a little desperate there? Shoot. Despite it all, I had to speak to him. I couldn’t go another day with this deep-seated loathing in my soul. It was crippling me. I wasn’t sure if I could properly function any longer.

“Yeah, I’m home now. You can come whenever you want.” He paused before adding, “You’re okay, right? Nothing bad happened?” There was no mistaking the worry in his tone. It gave me hope that he and I could resolve this in an amicable manner.

“No, I’m fine. I’ll go get ready. I should be over there in a bit. See you then,” I rushed out before cutting the call short.

Never in my life had I been this panicky, not even my first time filmingClover. If I focused on my nerves, I wouldn’t be able to move an inch, so I tried to suppress my erratic, anxious thoughts and fixate on the task of getting ready and driving to River’s apartment without crashing.

Dressed in denim skirt, plain white blouse, and a pair of nude booties, I rushed out of my apartment with barely any makeup on. It was unnecessary since the man had seen me through my epic makeover fails through my teenage years. Like that one time during prom when my false lashes came off, and he had to help me fix them since the bathroom line was too long.

River was that kind of boyfriend, always there, even if he wasn’t needed. He had loved me like no other, so we owed it to each other to at least be decently civilized with each other.

The second I arrived at his building, I immediately found parking and haphazardly got out of my car. While I strode toward the entrance of his place, I verbally rehearsed what I was about to say when he opened the door.

The concierge kindly greeted me, and after checking I was on the guest list, he gave me the green signal to head toward the elevator. My palms sweaty, my cheeks rosy, and my heart climbing Mount Everest, I felt faint and more alive than ever. All those days spent rolling about my bed seemed like a distant past.

My thoughts halted when the elevator stopped and delivered me to the top floor. Upon stepping out of the lift, I drew a lengthy breath before rubbing my palms on the roughened texture of my denim.

Slowly and gradually, I paced toward his front door while sending a little prayer above, hoping this confrontation would be cordial.

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