Page 83 of Savage

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To ashes.

To nothingness.

He never looked down to check his fiery creation. His hardened disdain emanated from his eyes, glinting like black diamonds as they trained on me.

“You’re dead to me, Cara.” Detached and cold, he marched away, leaving me uprooted on the same spot as I hatefully watched him trudge back downhill.

“Bastard,” I hissed into thin air before my gaze dropped down to the ashes. His grandmother’s ring twinkled at me. I hesitantly plucked it under the charred memories of my past, slipping it inside the pocket of my jean shorts before I marched out of there, too.

The past buried and burned.

River just couldn’t let it go without needing to make sure I knew he was the king douchebag of the century.

How the heck had he even gotten here? How long had he been waiting for me? He was such an infuriating man, always wanting to win, always wanting to have the last word, to the very end.

Well, he could kindly go fuck himself.
