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‘That’ll make him one happy camper.’


Maisie’s absolutely right. I’ve never heard such enthusiasm in his voice since I met him.

‘That’s incredible, Emmie! How is that even possible?’

‘Well, apparently my grandfather was a sentimental man. As opposed to her.’

‘Sounds like you hit the jackpot. Do you need me to come down and sort out your affairs for you?’

Nowhe wants to come down?

‘Uhm, no, thank you, Stephen. I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.’

‘But you shouldn’t have to. From now on, I’ll take care of your finances and when we’re married—’

‘Stephen…? Would you mind if I come home the day before our party? I need some time to sort things out.’

‘Yes, yes, of course, you sort everything out there. But call me if you change your mind and need me to come down before then. Maybe we can spend the Christmas holidays together in Cornwall!’

Together? If Stephen was coming down over the Christmas hols, he certainly wasn’t going to leave his mother on her own, was he? Meaning that Audrey would come down, too. That’s all I need – the bane of my life following me into my new life. No, thank you.

‘Uh, how about I just pop back to London for the 24th and then come back here?’ I offer.

‘That sounds like a lot of driving, Emmie. Why don’t you just come back for Christmas and let that be the end of it?’

‘The end of it? This sick leave I’m on is a real one. Because I literally am sick of everything, so itcounts.’

‘I know. I’m sorry. We’ll do it your way, then, OK?’

‘Thank you, Stephen. I’ll talk to you soon,’ I promise and end the call.

Life is strange. Its possibilities are endless. One day you’re a complete orphan and the next you discover you have at least one breathing relative. I wonder how they felt when they discovered I existed. They must have felt cheated out of many years with me. Well, I’m hoping that at least Nano did. He sounds like a lovely man. His wife, not so much.

And now, perhaps fate is trying to recompense me by giving me a relative and an inheritance. A legacy. My own home and perhaps family memories I’m dying to learn about. Every milk jug, every picture will be connected to a story. I’ll finally have a connection to something! And I’ve even got a 50 per cent stake in a business, no less. And a boat!

Time to go and have a look at the shop and have a row with my brand-new partner.


At first glance, the shop looks like a hole in the wall, or an entrance to a cave. Nothing more, except for the sign, Bend or Bump. What could a shop like that possibly sell?

I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to find in there, if anything, as I’ve never stumbled down this backstreet before. Why would I? It looks like God Himself has forgotten all about the place. And again, there could be literally anything (or nothing) in there.

I push the door inwards and nearly drop to my knees as it’s yanked open from the inside.

‘Easy…’ comes a familiar voice as someone grabs me by my elbows, saving me from a ruinous fall down a set of steps.

I look up into, you guessed it, Jagodrinker Moon’s eyes. Laughing eyes. I almost didn’t recognise him but for the leather jacket.

‘You really must learn to walk, Emmie,’ he drawls as he pulls me up.

‘I’m sorry. I would have called, but I don’t know your mobile number.’

‘I don’t have a mobile phone. Don’t need one. People know where to find me, assuming they want to.’

‘I came to discuss business.’
