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“Did you bring me lunch too?”

“No, she didn’t.”

I just raise my eyebrows at Joshua’s rude reply to his brother.

“Joshua really,” I say.

“Don’t you have something else you could be doing?”

Joseph laughs his ass off as he turns to me. “It was nice to see you again Savannah. I better get going.”

He is still laughing at his brother as he walks away.

“That was rude, Joshua.”

“Fuck him.”


“When can I move in?”

“Whenever you want.”

“Well, the house is furnished already so I’d have to findstorage for my stuff.”

We sit for the next thirty minutes working out price, furniture and a move in date.

I prepare to leave as Joshua gathers our garbage to get rid of it.

“Since you don’t have to go look at apartments tomorrow are you free to meet me for a late afternoon date?”


“Good, I’ll text you the particulars and come by the hotel to pick you up.”

I open my mouth to object, and he puts a stop to that.

“I’m coming to get you Savannah, so let that shit go.”

I look around.

“What are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for whomever the fuck you are talking to, ‘cause it ain’t me.”

He sighs and steps closer to me. He leans down and kisses me. It’s not a peck but not a full-blown open mouth kiss either, it’s a nice middle point.

“Savannah.” Kiss. “Will.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Let.” Kiss. “Me.” Kiss. “Pick.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Up.” Kiss. “Tomorrow?" Kiss.

I’m not worth shit, I have no backbone to speak of after that.

“Yes, you can pick me up,” I hear coming out of my mouth.

How can I be dick whipped when I ain’t get no dick? This is not going to work.He takes my hand and walks me back to me car, then he leans down and kisses me again.

“Thank you for lunch, Savannah. It was a wonderful surprise. I will be working on site late tonight. We are behind schedule and my brothers, and I plan on staying to try to catch up. But I will text you, ok?”

