Page 55 of Jag

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“Well, at least I’m not Josh anymore,” I say. And she laughs again.

“Listen Savvy, I had a whole plan for this but seeing you out on a date because I didn’t do enough to assure you how I feel about you and what you mean to me lets me know I need to do this now. I love you Savannah and I’ve never said that to a woman before, I can’t imagine life without you and seeing you out the other night with another man let me know I couldn’t handle losing you. So, I need to know Savannah.”

“Know what?” she asks.

“If you’ll marry me.”



“Yes, no.”

“Are you really telling me no, Savannah?”

“Joshua please do not do this to me,” she says as she looks everywhere but at me. “You fuck up and so to get out the doghouse you propose? I’ve seen this before Joshua, I’ll say yes and things will be good for a while but then our schedules will get busy again and years later when we’re still not married it’ll be my fault somehow,” she says.

Damn, this is not going how I thought it would. I’m assuming this is the type of shit her ex has pulled to get out of whatever shit he got himself into, and now it looks like I’m doing the same thing. “Let’s go get married today Savannah.”

“We can’t Joshua. First of all its Sunday. Second of all there’s a three day wait, and third I didn’t say yes.”

“Well say yes and we can drive to Alabama or Louisiana and get married. They do not have a wait period”, I say. She looks at me, “you’re serious?”

“Dead serious Savannah.”

We just sit in silence looking at each other. “I’m not proposing to get me out of the doghouse Savannah I’ll stay in the doghouse for however long you want but while I’m there I want to be your fiancé. Stay here I’ll be right back.”


He proposed! This is definitely not how I was thinking he’d propose. But this brings back old memories, William used to pull this shit and never followed through on anything he promised. I know he’s not William. I know this and I also understand why he went away for these past three weeks but I am scared.

Do I trust him this much? I would be devastated if he played me like William did and I do not think I’d survive it. He comes back into the living room with a box and a receipt, he hands the receipt to me. “Look at the date on the receipt” he tells me. He bought this ring right after we got back from Richford. I was going to propose on your birthday, I was going to take you back to the Treehouse, since that was our first date spot, but I no longer want to wait that long. I go to tell him no anyways and I hear my mom’s voice telling me life is too short Savvy, don’t be afraid to love.

“Savannah please,” he says. “If you can’t say yes at least say you’ll think about it.”

“There’s no need for me to think about it Joshua.”

Savannah please…”


“Wait … what?”

“Yes, Joshua we can go to one of those states and get married.” He puts the ring on my finger. And damn is it a ring. It’s a ten-carat quad diamond multi-row three-piece bridal set.  The ring is gorgeous, and it clearly says I am taken, and I am sure that is what he intended for it to say.

“So where are we going,” I ask. He just looks at me.

“What state Joshua?”

“Um here’s the thing Savannah I would happily go wherever you want to go but I think this is another flower situation.”

“What are you talking about Joshua?” I ask him.

“I think you have been so disappointed by your ex, and God knows who else, you have conditioned yourself to not want the wedding you deserve.”

“So now you're changing what you said? Figures,” I say.

“Listen to me Savannah, if you want to go tomorrow and get married, let’s go I game, but what I do not want you is for you to not have what you want and deserve because you are afraid I am gonna disappoint you or I’m lying to you. We have to have trust Savannah, or our relationship will never work. We can do both too if you want, get married tomorrow and plan a wedding. I’m willing to do whatever you want to do, Savannah.”

He pulls his cell and wallet out; finds the card he is looking for and calls the number on the back. I have no idea what he is up to. When I tune back into his conversation, he is adding me to his credit card! Is he crazy? Once he hangs up with them, he calls all the other card companies and adds me to them, he tells me we will go to the bank and add me to all his accounts.

“Joshua you can’t,” I begin.

“I just did Savannah. Now it’s up to you, what do you want to do?”

I take a deep breath and really think about what he is saying, and I know he is right, at one point in my life I had my whole wedding planned but watching it never happen again and again made me gun shy when it comes to having a wedding. Yes, my parents got married in t-shirt, jeans and sneakers and I would be ok with that too, but do I want to give up a chance to have a long-buried dream for fear? No, I don't, Jag is giving me a chance to have something I long gave up, and he’s right I have to trust him, really trust him if this marriage is going to work. He is not the other man I have been with and he is proving that without complaint.

“Ok Joshua, I guess we’re having a wedding and reception,” I say.

He picks me up and spins me around and kisses the hell out of me. “I can't wait to see you in your dress hatima yangu. You have about two months cause I’m not waiting longer than that.”

“Two months! Are you crazy? I can’t pull together a wedding and a reception in two months, Joshua.”

“Why not?”

“Joshua stop, you pushed for this wedding so now you gotta deal with the timeframe it’s going to take.”

“How long Savvy?”

“A year.”

“A year!” he yells. “Hell no, six months, no longer Savannah, even if my brothers and I have to build a damn venue you have six months.”

“Fine but you might have to build a venue for real.”

“Consider it done.”

I just shake my head at his craziness, but I know he is dead ass serious. We stand in the living room holding each other and marveling at how we got here in forty-eight to seventy-two hours. “What did I miss?” Peter says from the doorway. I’m engaged! I tell him as he walks over to look at the ring.

“Now that’s a power move right there. Congratulations you two,” Peter tells us. “I am going to go home and let you two celebrate but I expect to be involved in the wedding plans.”

“Yes sir,” I tell Peter as he hugs me, shakes Jag’s hand and walks out the door as fast as he came in. This is crazy it’s only been a few months; how did I get here? We sit on the sofa and begin to work on plans for the wedding.

“Let’s have the engagement party on the 4th of July, he says. We can invite all of my family and I can meet your family.”

“That’s only a couple of weeks away can we pull something that large off that fast?” I ask him.

“Of course, we can.”
