Page 58 of Jag

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“Baby this is too much,” I tell her. I know she had some money saved up from selling her properties, but I do not want her to use all her money on me and I know this ring wasn’t cheap.

“Don’t do that Jag, I’m not exactly a pauper,” she tells me. I hug her and whisper in her ear “We’ll talk about this later.”

She puts the ring on my finger and my chest swells with pride. I have never seen a man have an engagement ring, but I am damn sure going to wear mine with pride.

Her sister and friends come hug her. Skai tells her mom she’s mad that she didn’t tell her before and now her sons Shepp and Saint doesn’t look to happy. I had already talked to her dad, so he already knew but no one else did not even my brothers although they did notice a change in our relationship. Jaasiel turns the music back on and we celebrate some more. I ask her about her children not being happy and she tells me they are grown they’ll have to deal with it.

Her sister and friends come and hug her, and my brothers come and hug her as well, I basically get ignored but that’s more than fine. After all the congratulations her father and his wife go turn in, in the guest house and Mell goes and puts the kids down, turns on the video monitoring and my parents turn in too, the time difference is a bitch. The staff has packed the food up and put it away and lit the candles and the outdoor torches and Jabaari begins playing music on the outdoor sound system he set up.

The ladies and men seem to naturally separate as Savvy begins talking about the wedding plans and this weekend's events. Donnell Jones comes on singing Stevie Wonder’s Knocks Me Off My Feet. I grab Savvy up and begin dancing with her, she lays her head on my chest and begins singing the song to me. Her voice is amazing, and I feel some kinda way hearing her sing to me. I wonder again if I can get her to sing to me at the wedding.

I seriously get an attitude when the song is over, and I have to let her go. Jaasiel and Jabaari are outdoing themselves with the music, I go to ask the men what we are going to get into while the women are at the spa and we decide to do a little driving on the racetrack and take Bubba on the go karts. As we are talking Skai sneaks over to me, “Mr. Joshua wanna see my mom act a fool “she asks. I smile down at her, your mom, act a fool? This I have to see. She says ok and goes over to Jabaari and whispers something to him.

A few seconds later Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be Startin Something comes on and Savannah throws her hands up in the air and begins to sway side to side in her seat. She begins bobbing her head and dancing in her seat and I can tell she is trying to contain herself. Skai tells me keep watching it gets better. Savvy starts singing and really dancing in her seat. I am fascinated watching my baby really letting her hair down.

My brothers and I are watching Savvy trying not to really act up and then the break hits and Savvy is out of her seat dancing her ass off. Bailey, Mell, Shell, Skai, and Alayna get up and dance with her, but it's definitely Savannah who has my attention. Once the song is over, she turns to Skai, your ass went over there running your big ass mouth and had them play my song, you know I can’t resist dancing to that song.

Skai begins laughing her ass off, look at Mr. Joshua ma she says. That’s when Savvy looks over to me and I know she sees enough heat in my eyes to melt all of Antarctica, but I am also smiling because I loved seeing her free like that. After that Jaasiel and Jabarri play music that has everyone dancing, but outside of Savvy dancing the highlight of the night was when her dad came back out and asked Savvy to sing Oh My Record.

G.E. Patterson's version and the next thing we know Savannah and all three of her kids gave us a concert! They all can sing! When they hit that four part harmony I felt like I was at a gospel concert, all acapella at that. We stayed out so late the party planners packed the decorations up around us as we enjoyed the evening. Eventually I looked over to Savannah and she was damn near falling asleep and I knew it was time to turn in. They did have appointments at the spa, but they can go whatever time they want since I booked the whole spa for the entire day, but my baby was tired. Once we were sure everyone was ok in their accommodations we headed to bed.


As tired as I was when I was outside, I’m wide awake now I get out the shower and go through my nighttime routine, I put my locs up in a bun and grab my journal. I begin to write about this day and all the blessings I’m receiving and how grateful I am about it. When I think about all the nights I wondered if I’d ever have this and getting on God’s very last nerve praying to him about having a husband and God blessed with a man that was so much more than I dared dream of. I am beyond grateful. And it is not his wealth it is all him. He has come into my life and breathed new life into long dead hopes and dreams.

Things I had long ago forced myself to not want out of fear of never getting them and to protect my heart from the disappointment. When I look up, I have written pages and tears are running down my face, and it feels like a cleansing is happening inside me. Next thing I know I am in Jag’s arms; I didn’t even hear him come out the bathroom.

“It’s ok baby,” he says, “I got you.” And I know he does.

When did I become such a damn cry baby? This man brings out a side of me I was never safe enough to allow out. When I finally get myself together, he goes to the bathroom and brings me a warm cloth to wash my face. Then I damn near loose both eyes when he drops his towel he had on and puts on some sleep lounge pants and a tank top tee shirt. I put my journal down.


“Yes baby?”

Before I can say anything there is a knock on the door.

“Yeah” he says.

The door opens and in walks Skai with a whole elephant onesie on. She walks right past Jag and gets in the bed with me.

“No Skai,” I say. “We are not doing this.”

“Don’t be selfish mommy,” she says. “I just want a little while with you.”

Jag goes to walk out. “I’ll give y’all some privacy,” he says.

“You don’t have to leave Mr. Joshua,” Skai tells him.

So, he goes and sits on the sofa and turns the tv on.

Skai who has no filter says, “I like him mom, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you this happy before”. Skai says sotto voce.

“ I shouldn’t be talking to you since you ratted me out with Michael Jackson”.

“Ma you gotta let him see the crazy so he can get used to it and he doesn’t leave you later when it starts to creep out”, she says.

Jag chuckles. So much for him not listening.
