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Chapter 19


I knew some shit was going to happen! I fucking knew it I felt it, and I don’t know the dead mother fucker that dared to take Savannah away from me, but I will, and he will get to know me better than he wants to that’s for damn sure. I have ripped this place up and there is literally no trace of her. It's like she just vanished. I can’t even think straight, all my training doesn’t mean shit right now. I have never been more scared in all my life, scared and homicidal.

“Joshua,” Jabarri says.

“Leave me the fuck alone!” I bellow at him I turn to walk away and look for Savannah again and he reaches out to grab my arm. I turn around and grab him by his throat, “keep your fucking hands off of me!” I yell as I squeeze his throat.

Next thing I feel is Atlas grabbing my hand to get it off our brother and I turn on him too.

“Josh!” He yells. “Get it the fuck together! We do not have time for this shit. We have to get back to the house. Did you give her the bracelet? We can track it. Come on man Savannah needs you. She’s counting on you to save her.”

Now that finally gets through to me, I finally get it together, I look at Jabarri and pull him in for a hug. “I’m sorry little brother.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. Let’s go get your wife.”

As we head back to the house, I look over at Skai, Sheppard, and Saint, they look like three toddlers instead of our grown ass kids. They are scared for their mother and I don’t blame them so am I. But I tell you this I will search the world until I find Savannah and if she is hurt or worse, I promise I will burn this mother fucker to ashes and kick the bitch off its axis. No one takes what's mine with impunity.


What is going on? I think as I try to move my arms, but they feel so heavy and are they tied up? If Jag has tied my ass up while I was sleeping, I am going to cuss his fine ass out. But just as that thought comes to me the memories begin to rush back in. I was in the fitting room and the door opened, before I could react, I felt a prick, and everything faded to black.

Somebody took me! Sonofabitch! This is what Jag was feeling. Oh God! My kids and dad, I know they must be terrified. I know Jag is coming for me, of that I have no doubt and it’s my job to help him on my end. I’m going to get out of this, and I guarantee a whole lot of people are going to pay for this with their lives.


It went better than I planned. At first, I was worried because of all the people they were with, but it ended up working in my favor. His mistake was overestimating the safety in numbers adage. He let her out of his sight because she was with a group and that’s when I made my move. I walked right past them and no one paid me any attention.

I went to the fitting rooms and while she was focused on my waking in on her, my idiot accomplice was able to drug her. We carried right out the back door, and no one was the wiser. Now we wait until night falls to fly her to Somalia. There are a few warlords over there that would love the chance to have an American black woman. By the time they find her … if they find her, there won’t be much left worth saving.


I go upstairs as I wait for Jabarri to set up the equipment to track Savannah’s bracelet. Having to tell her father that I didn’t protect his daughter was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Her children wanted to go back out and search for her, but I convinced them to stay there and take care of their grandfather.

I sit on the bed and grab her pillow and inhale. Savvy, hold on baby I am coming. I can’t believe I let this happen. If I lose her… I refuse to live without her. I need Jabarri to hurry up but hell we didn’t even get a chance to try the tracker out. General Berkley is calling in favors but we don’t know where they took her. I’m pretty sure they're going to get her out of the Maldives since having a gun and damn near any other weapon is illegal here. Will they take her East to Africa or West to Sri Lanka or Thailand? I hope it’s to the West she’d stand out in Sri Lanka or Thailand, her ass will blend right in in Africa. This waiting is killing me.

“Josh!” I hear Joseph call for me and head downstairs. “I accessed the camera around the store but right after she went it someone painted the two cameras around the store. I guess the low crime meant they didn’t need a lot of security cameras. I called in a plane General Berkley tells me we just need to know where we are going.”

“Sir I need you to take that plane and get my family home and your daughter, my brother’s and I will handle the rest.”

“I knew you’d say that, so I called for two planes.”

Saint walks in. “I’m going with you,” he says.

“No, you’re not. You need to get your sister, brother and your granddad home safely.”

“We’re all going,” he says.

“Saint you have two children who need you. Not to mention Mell and your granddad needs to get back home. Your mother wouldn’t survive something happening to any one of y’all. Please y’all go home. Trust me, I will bring your mother home and whatever mother fucker that decided to take her will pay with his life, I promise you that.”

“Fine,” Saint says.

Everyone is busy packing and getting ready to leave, Jabarri finally has the satellite online and is waiting for it to pick up the frequency. We finally have everyone packed and heading to the plane to go home. Soon it’s just me and my brothers. We’ve changed clothes and are waiting for the location to ping. Either way they went, General Berkley has set up for us to pick up a cache of weapons and equipment.

“Got her!” I hear Jabarri say, and we rush over to the screen and see a dot moving east towards East Africa.

Fuck not Africa, and they have a head start, I hope the plane the General procured is a fast one. We head out towards the airstrip, Jabarri has sent the tracker to each of our phones just in case. When we get to the airstrip there’s a 747-8i waiting for us. We waste no time boarding, Jabarri gives the coordinates to the pilot and we’re off. They have a head start and we’re playing catch up.
