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Chapter Five

Gina shuddered, shifting back with great effort. Her cat had objected, wanting to continue to enjoy the caressing hands of the two males she’d decided were hers.They’re not ours to keep. We just met them. And, from what I can tell, they aren’t even a couple.

Of course they are.To be fair, the cat was pretty good at gauging people, for a jaguar.

They haven’t been acting like it.

They were holding hands just now, while I was menacing them.

I think that was a fear reaction. Because, you know…you were menacing them.

“Gina?” Sky’s voice cut into the internal conversation, returning her to awareness of the situation. Which was: she was lying naked over the laps of the two fully dressed men. Why was that such an incredible turn-on?

“Hey.” What did one say in a situation like this? Despite her job as a model who often appeared in bra and panties for lingerie ads, she was actually a little shy and rarely allowed a guy to see her nude. Especially in daylight. Every flaw on display, the cellulite no amount of exercise, no creams could disappear, the mole on her left hip, the slight sag in her breasts, making the nipples tip up.

She moved to sit up, but Sky slapped an arm over her shoulders, pinning her in place. “What’s your hurry?”

She swallowed. “One of us is underdressed and possibly embarrassed.”

Thunder’s platinum hair gleamed in the lamplight, and his eyes twinkled. “Well, I get the first part, but why are you embarrassed?” He idly stroked her stomach as he spoke, making concentration difficult and her girly parts ache.

“I-I’m naked.”

“Yes,” Sky said, petting her hair as if she were still a cat. “And lovely.”

“And I just freaked out, turned into a jaguar, and more or less attacked you both.”

“Oh, yeah. About that.” Sky held up his arm to reveal a row of scratches.

Thunder did the same.

She closed her eyes and moaned. “You really should ask me to leave.” Clamping her hands over her face, she spoke through her fingers. “In fact, you don’t have to ask. I’ll go.” How could she have hurt them? She struggled to remember what she’d even reacted to…what had they said? She hadn’t shifted in a reactionary way in so many years. Not since she was a kid, and her mom and dad had talked to her and explained that she needed to handle her problems with people as a person. And that it carried over to other shifters as well. Stay a person and retain the ability to use her words. Only mates could talk mind to mind. “This is even more humiliating. I don’t remember what you were saying before I shifted.”

Sky peeled her hands away and offered a reassuring smile. “We were talking about a lot of things, but I’m afraid right now I can’t stop touching you and admiring you and, if you have no objection, I think we might take this into the bedroom where we will also remove our clothes. So nobody is overdressed.”

He spoke in such a calm voice, while her heart nearly beat out of her chest. Each of them was not only incredibly handsome but protective—why she’d freaked out was starting to come back to her—and patient. Heck, they’d seen her naked hours ago, and while she’d smelled their arousal, had been able to even in the crowded room earlier, they hadn’t pushed the point. Her cat, who had never been that thrilled with anyone she chose to sleep with, did not feel that way about these men. Look at how the bratty feline had flung herself on them.

She’d done what Gina hadn’t had the courage to do. But, looking at their faces, eyes dilated with desire to reveal the entirely of the flames flickering inside, their cocks digging into her back and thighs, she realized she’d better get brave and fast. Sure, her job was great, but she was getting older by the day, and even shifter looks were not magazine-cover worthy forever, not in the youth culture out there. She’d better take advantage of a great opportunity and tumble these boys into bed.

They had suggested forever, but she knew better. Men were always a disappointment in the end. They eventually decided they wanted someone less pushy, more feminine and sweet than her. And thinner. But for tonight, she was all for it, would pretend they wanted her forever, and that this weekend was just the start of bigger things to come.

“Sure. To the bedroom,” she said in a muted tone.

“What enthusiasm!” Sky crowed as he stood and scooped her up into his arms. “I think she likes us, Thunder.”

“I think you’re right.”

She watched over Sky’s shoulder as the blond, green-eyed Thunder stripped, leaving a trail of clothing from the main room to the bedroom. Why had she ever thought a guy had to be tanned to be sexy? This dragon’s creamy complexion gave him an alabaster cast, like a statue, or maybe someone who’d modeled for it. By the time he had kicked off his shoes and shimmied his slacks over his hips, Sky had come to a stop at the bed. Sure, Thunder had also been close to naked before, in the bathroom, but she’d been so concerned with appearing calm and collected under the unusual circumstances, she hadn’t been able to appreciate the whole picture.

The mattress was huge, with plenty of room for three, probably enough for six or seven. Luckily, because these were big men. And… her curves took up a little space, too. He settled her on the edge of the bed and straightened, grasping the hem of his shirt. Under her hungry gaze, Sky pulled the shirt over his head, and Thunder let his boxers drop.Hello.How had he not made more of an impression on her before? Her little rubbing session before they arrived might have taken the edge off, but nothing about this man, or the other one, who now was stepping out of his boxer briefs and certainly matched his friend in length and girth.

One of them would be enough for anyone. Two of them…might it be too much? She remembered her conversation with Juniper.

“I don’t think there is a guy out there who can handle all my awesome.”

“Then tell her you need two.”

She had joked about two, but, faced with them, fight or flight possessed her. She sat there, clutching the edge of the mattress as the two approached. At least six-five, probably taller than that, each had a subtly different form of masculine beauty, each with developed musculature that made her want to run her fingers along his chest and abs and down to his… Shaking her head she lifted her chin. She’d take two. And leave them missing her when their weekend was over. But if she expected them to take their pleasure and walk away, she was gladly mistaken.

Thunder sat beside her and kissed her cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally her mouth. He took her down to lie on the bed while Sky urged her thighs apart and knelt between them. Before she could breathe, he’d buried his head in her pussy, his hot mouth open on her clit, sucking, licking, and biting.

The other dragon, Thunder, continued kissing her, but trailed his lips down her throat to her collarbone and sucked on the skin there. By now, all her attention centered on the mouth between her legs, so when Thunder’s lips closed on her nipple, when he bit down hard enough to hurt, she squeaked, torn between the pleasure and the pain.

Long fingers inserted themselves in her pussy, pumping slowly in and out while the flat of Sky’s tongue worked her labia and clit. Thunder switched nipples, pinching the one he’d been sucking on between finger and thumb.

Sky sucked harder and worked his thumb, slick with her juices, back toward her bottom. He circled there, still lapping at her pussy, Thunder sucking on her nipples and when the thump breached her ass, the thick digit stretching her and making her imagine what his cock would feel like, she fell into a screaming orgasm, writhing under them and calling out both their names. Maybe both names both of them used. She didn’t know.

She only knew, the orgasm shot her into outer space, where stars and planets whirled and people exploded into their most elemental bits.
