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Chapter Six

Gina woke in a tangle of arms and legs. Outside the window, the moon hung low in the sky, but other than that, she didn’t know how long she’d slept. A few hours, probably. She ached in places she hadn’t even known she had after such an athletic session with the two dragons. Nothing in her previous life had prepared her for the experience, but she’d never forget it, either. She freed her pinned calves and worked her way out from under the heavy arm across her chest then settled back and tried to sleep again. It seemed likely the men would want her again when they woke. At least she hoped they would.

They’d been so giving, made her the center of their lovemaking, spent so much time on her, she’d been almost relieved when they finally found their own peaks. A smile lifted the edge of her lips. When she helped them get there. That’s right. She’d brought off two of the hottest men she’d ever met, at the same time, on her knees, with her lips and hands.

She’d sat them side by side on the bed and gone back and forth, trying to keep both of them at the edge as long as possible, like a circus act, keeping plates spinning. And she’d drunk both their cum. With pleasure and pride.

After that, they’d all passed out, exhausted.

And remembering…she didn’t even blush. Somehow these men made her feel like an accomplished woman, one who knew what her men needed and provided it. A very nice feeling indeed. As she rolled onto her side, Sky curled around her from behind, his dick nudging the crack of her ass.

Now, her face heated. While they hadn’t forced the issue, she definitely got the impression they would like to have her there. Could she take them both at the same time? One in her pussy and the other in an area she’d never allowed any man to enter before. She’d shut down the very idea when a former lover suggested it.

But, in this case, with these men, she wanted to give them anything they liked. Since their every touch set her on fire, the two of them inside her at the same time didn’t sound bad. In fact, it sounded pretty darn good. If a little frightening. But intriguing. An arm came around her shoulders, and his warm breath caressed her ear. Instantly, she was wet and ready. She’d never been like that. Usually, it took hours of foreplay for her to be ready to do the deed. And more often than not, she’d only achieved orgasm after she got home. By herself. With the help of Bob.

Amazing. She held very still, trying to tell if both guys were asleep before easing out from between them and crawling straight to the foot of the bed. Driven by nature’s call, she tiptoed to the restroom and then emerged. Although their wineglasses still stood on the nightstand, her dry mouth required something with a little less tannic. Water. With a glance at the bed and the two men lying with all that open space between them—space with her name on it—she decided to head for the kitchenette and a glass of cold water. She needed to rehydrate before they got her going again. On a chair lay a shirt discarded by one of the guys, and she pulled it on, secretly pleased it fit her. One of the disadvantages of being tall and curvy was the inability to do sexy things like wear her lovers’ shirts. But the two men were not only several inches taller than her, but so broad shouldered, she almost swam in the shirt.


Sky’s red hair lay on the pillow under his head, dark as blood in the moonlight, but Thunder’s blond was pale as ever, maybe paler, almost glowing. Their features lay in shadow, but she didn’t need to see them to remember how handsome they were. Or their extraordinary eyes. Leaning on the counter, she considered their night together so far. When they’d shown up in the bathroom, earlier, she’d thought maybe there was something between them, but at no point had they touched one another, so she must have been mistaken.


Spinning on a heel, she came face-to-face with Thunder. How could she ever have thought Walter suited him? Such an ordinary name. “Hi yourself. Want some water?” Hostess-mode always worked when in doubt of what to say.

“Sure, but I’ll get it.” The dragon stepped past her, took a glass from the shelf over the bar, and held it under the faucet. He grabbed a couple of ice cubes from the freezer and dropped them into his drink. “So, what brings you out to the kitchen so late at night?”

“I was thirsty,” she said. “And you?”

“I was looking for you. Wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He’d taken the time to pull on underwear, she noted, but, judging from the tight fit of the soft cotton boxers, he was more than just concerned.

“I’m fine,” she said, setting the empty water glass in the sink. “Just woke up thirsty. Ready to go back to bed?”

“Sure, if you want.” He placed his glass by hers. “Or we could stay up and talk for a while. It’s been so crazy, we didn’t have the chance to really get to know one another.”

“We did go right to the main event,” she said. “But it was fun. Really.” Why didn’t he look like he believed her?

“Yeah, it was. But I want to know more about you. Where do you come from? What’s it like doing your job?’

“Isn’t it kind of late at night for such a deep conversation?”

But she allowed him to lead her to one of the deep sofas and sit her down, laying his head in her lap.

“That’s better,” she said. “If I’m going to be interrogated, I want to be comfortable.” She stroked a lock of hair into place. “I want you to be comfortable, too.”

“Planning to interrogate me?” he quipped, and she nodded.

“I do have some questions, but they can wait until you ask yours.” The gas fireplace flickered; outside the tall glass windows San Francisco twinkled and glowed. “So, start.”

Thunder chuckled. “Okay, where do you come from?”

She left her hand in place on his head. “I come from a lot of places. My mom traveled around doing odd jobs while I was really little, but I hardly remember anything about that time.

When she disappeared, I was placed with a foster family. A human foster family who eventually adopted me. Mom had apparently been banished or left her pride, so nobody knew I even was a shifter.”

He wrapped an arm around her, and she rested her cheek on his bare chest. “That must have been hard,” he murmured.

“It wasn’t, not really. I didn’t remember anything else. In fact, I didn’t even know I was different from the other kids. So few of their parents came to school events and things, at least both sides of the family. The humans, at least in my experience, just didn’t put family first. And, until I shifted, I didn’t even know there was another way.”

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