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Clark clamped his arm over Jenni’s flailing form, pinning her hands at her sides and holding her as still as possible, to keep her from hurting herself. She’d already managed to whack him in the eye and knee Ty in what looked like an area he didn’t want that to happen, but it was worth it.

They’d shown their mate a little taste of what could be between them. Lovemaking was only one aspect of the relationship they would offer her, but he liked to think it was something they had a talent for. At least, they’d never heard a complaint so far.

But all previous interludes faded. There would never be another. Not with anyone besides their mate. And they needed her to feel the same way. As shock waves of her orgasm washed over them, something else they couldn’t experience with anyone but their mate, he gathered her closer, cuddling her in his embrace. ‘Good girl,” he murmured. “We want to make you feel good, Jenni. All the time.”

He wasn’t sure she even heard. She just sighed and snuggled closer.

“I think the bath is over,” Ty whispered, turning off the jets then standing, bubbles sluicing off him as he stepped out of the tub. Unfolding a bath sheet, he held it in front of him.

“Yeah,” Clark agreed, handing her to the other man who enfolded her in the soft toweling. “So is the night, I think.”

Ty carried her out of the bathroom. “I’m going to put her in our bed. I hope she won’t mind.”

Clark climbed out and dried himself off before trailing behind the other two. He helped Ty pat the water droplets from her skin then pulled the sheets and blankets back. They settled her in the middle of the bed. “I’m going down to bank the fire and make sure everything is closed up for the night. I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later, he returned to find Jenni lying on her side, curled into Ty’s chest. “You okay?”

“Other than blue balls?” Before Clark turned off the light, he caught a glimpse of his partner’s chagrined expression. “It’s worth it, though.”

Clark gave his own rigid cock a pinch. “I considered a quick stroke to relieve the pressure, but I figured it wouldn’t do any good.” He climbed in behind Jenni and spooned her warm back. “I’d be hot two seconds after I touched her again. I’ve never felt like this before,” he said in a low voice, trying not to disturb their mate, although from her relaxed pose and slow, deep breaths, it would take more than a whisper to do that.

“No, until now all the things I heard about having a mate were just words. Sex was fun. I enjoyed it.”

“Me, too,” he agreed. “But this…this is a hundred times more.”

“And we haven’t even satisfied ourselves at all.” Ty stroked her hair from her face and kissed her cheek. “Although I think giving her pleasure is more satisfaction than I’ve ever experienced getting my own rocks off.”

“Yeah. Although you and I together is pretty magical, adding her is going to make it hard to ever get out of bed. As long as she’s up for us both.” He laid his arm over her waist and palmed one plump, full breast. “Let’s try to sleep. The snow is falling hard out there. Even if she wants to leave tomorrow, the only way would be to ride a polar bear.”

Ty’s suppressed chuckle cut off when Jenni stirred. “Do you think she’d like to do that?”

“I hope so. And I hope she doesn’t freak out when she learns what we are. I don’t think it’s in her world view up until now.”

Who wouldn’t want to be mate to a pair of polar bears?” Ty yawned. “Night, Clark.” He kissed Jenni’s cheek again. “Night, beautiful girl.”

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