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Chapter Five


The brightening sky outside the window woke Ty at dawn as always. For the moment, the snow had stopped, but he could feel in his bones that it would start again. Usually, after a storm like this, he and his partner would be out on the trails, watching for avalanches and other problems, but they’d taken the weekend off for their date.

Jenni still lay between them, but she’d rolled over during the night, so now he had her back, Clark her front. She was warm, cuddly, and smelled amazing.

Others would take care of the pack and the odd human who wandered into their territory while they got to know their mate. That happened a lot more in summer, luckily. For today, they had enough to do. They had to convince their mate not to leave tomorrow or as soon as the weather allowed. They could make love to her all they wanted, and it would be amazing. But until she knew the truth, they couldn’t complete the mating process.

Would she want to stay with them once they showed her their other forms? Or would she run as far and fast as possible? He cringed at the thought. When they planned this meeting, they’d known it was serious. Important. But like most huge events in life, meeting one’s mate had to be experienced to be comprehended.

If she left, she’d take their hearts and most of their souls, leaving them shells of their former selves. Well, no sense buying trouble, as his mother liked to say. She’d love Jenni, even if she wasn’t a bear. One look at the job she’d done on that table would endear her to Mom for a lifetime. And Jenni would be sure to like her in return. They had a lot in common. Strong women with curves who had mates who adored them.

We have to show her our world in a way that won’t drive her out the door.He could start by getting up and making breakfast. Trying to climb out of bed quietly, he found Clark watching him over Jenni’s prone form. “Coffee,” his partner mouthed.

He nodded and lifted the covers, but Jenni thrust her bottom toward him, and he couldn’t find the motivation to rise. With his cock now between those firm, rounded cheeks, he wanted more. “Coffee later,” he mouthed back, and Clark’s lips quirked in a grin.

“Jenni, now,” his partner murmured.

“Hmmm?” She rolled onto her back and pushed her curls out of her face. “Jenni, what?”

Her cheeks were rosy with sleep, her eyes heavy, and he wanted to fuck her so badly, his soul ached with the need. “Jenni wake up and play with us,” he said, bending to nip at a rosy nipple exposed by the lowered blankets.

“Play?” Her voice was a little hoarse, and she cleared her throat. “What time is it?”

Clark shrugged. “I don’t know. Playtime.”

Her brows lowered. “That’s not funny. I never wake up before eight…preferably nine. Is it nine?”

Ty kissed her, soft and slow, showing her his opinion of waiting until nine to make love to her. Lifting his head, he shook it. “We don’t really pay attention to clocks up here unless we need to be somewhere. And we’re already where we need to be. Now, do you?”

She blinked. “Do I what?”

Clark dipped his hand under the covers, and she inhaled sharply. “Do you want to play with us, beautiful girl? We waited all night for you. Hardly slept a wink.”

She giggled, seeming more alert, now. “Was that waking snoring I heard, then?”

“I don’t snore,” Ty protested.

“Me either,” Clark said, adding, “Maybe you dreamed it. Did you dream of us, beautiful?”

She sighed and snuggled deeper under the covers, hiding her breasts to his great disappointment. “I had dreams. Strange, strange dreams.” Rolling onto her side facing Clark, she laid her arm over his shoulder. “Since I’m awake, maybe I can play with you silly bears a little. What did you have in mind—”

Clark’s stare of shock froze her words. At least Ty figured that was what caused he to halt. He himself struggled to breathe. “What did you call us, Jenni?” he choked out.

“Huh?” She flopped to her back again and looked from one to the other. “I said I’d play. But if you don’t want to…” She sat up, but Ty hauled her back down between them.

She’d said bears. She knew…something, somehow.

“Jenni,” Clark said, nuzzling her cheek. “We will play any game you like then, later, we’ll make breakfast and go outside. We have something to show you out there, okay?”

“Mmm hmm.”

Ty drew her toward him, ready to do anything short of actual mating. That would have to wait until their mate had all the facts. For now, they closed in on either side of her. They had all day to show her the advantages of two virile men in bed. Also their cooking skills. He smiled at Clark and pressed a quick hard kiss on his lips, jerking back at Jenni’s sharp intake of breath.

“Oh, okay,” she breathed. “I wondered.”

He studied her face. With all his concern about the bear issue, he’d failed to take into account how she might react to two men already partners when she came into the picture. Gerri wouldn’t have set them up with a woman who couldn’t handle that, would she? He’d never dreamed a woman’s opinion of anything about their life together would matter as much as it did.

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