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“Better than that, I’ll run it for you.” He paused at the foot of the stairs, hand on the elegantly carved banister. “I’m sorry we don’t have any bubble stuff or anything like that. Bachelors.”

“Wait.” She opened her big case and pulled out a zipper pouch. “I’ve got everything here. When you’re a model, you learn what products you like pretty fast. And even though I’ve switched gears, I’m still in the industry and get lots of freebies. Here.” She tossed it to him.

He caught it and took two steps up then changed gears and came back to her side. “I’ll take it all up for you.” Watching him carry the bags to the top of the flight, she admired the view. She’d always liked the larger size guys. Probably because she was full-figured, thinner, smaller men made her feel clunky. And these two were tall and broad and probably looked amazing naked.

Shut up, Jenni. You are on a date with them. Sure, it’s at their house, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to hop into their bed. You haven’t even been asked.

But then, what men asked a woman to their home, overnight, and didn’t plan on getting her into bed? Sure, they’d been perfect gentlemen, but every time she’d gotten within a few feet of them, sparks flared.

She tried to stuff down the guilt. Harold waited for her answer to his proposal. They’d been going out for a year, and he was nice enough. Mostly. She’d agreed to this date only because Matilda wore her down. A trip to an historical cabin complete with two lumber-jack-sized guys was just space out of time. Or time out of space… After this weekend, she’d be back home, and in reality.

It would be dishonest to Harold to rip her clothes off and fling herself at the hottest guys she’d ever met. They weren’t looking for forever. Harold wanted forever. Nobody else had ever proposed to her. Matilda was probably still trying to decide between the two most amazing guys Jenni had ever met, but few women were that lucky.

“Can I help with the dishes, Clark?” she called. She had enough guilt at what she was contemplating doing without feeling like she wasn’t doing her share. “You must be tired, too.”

“I’m fine,” he said, piling clean plates on the drainboard. “Go on ahead upstairs and relax. I think you’ll be pleased. It’s the only room we’ve actually managed to modernize.”

“If it has a tub and hot water, I’ll be thrilled.” She started up the stairs. “Thanks for this evening. It’s been a blast.”

“You’re awfully easy to please.” The clatter of dishes drowned out anything else he might have been saying so she just continued on up. At the landing she looked right and left. The door to the right was open, and tendrils of steam emanating from deep within the room drew her toward the ecstasy of a hot bath.

“Ty?” The bedroom held the largest bed she’d ever seen. Large? Hell, it was massive and piled with fluffy pillows and colorful comforters. The head and footboard, along with a pair of highboy dressers, were more of the woodworker’s handiwork. The carving looked similar, not fancy, but beautiful. Simple. Amazing. Impressive.I’m so tired I’m losing it. Even if I wanted to fling myself into these guys’ arms, I’d just fall asleep.But when she entered the bathroom and saw Ty bent over, swirling bubbles around in a tub nearly big enough to qualify as an in-ground pool, she clenched her fists at her sides to avoid grabbing handfuls of amazing ass.

Then he stood and stretched, the T-shirt he’d stripped down to while cleaning outlining his broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist for such a big guy.Fuck Harold. Or rather, I don’t want to fuck him. I want Ty and Clark. Both of them. For once, I’m going with the flow and screw the details. Everyone is entitled to one night of passion and if they offer it, I’m taking it.

Even if it meant she couldn’t ever settle again.

Thanks for ruining my life, Matilda.
