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Chapter Four


Ty watched the bubbles rise in their tub, the first time that had happened. They’d never actually brought a female home, although they’d enjoyed more than their share elsewhere. But their den was sacred, not for casual encounters.

What did one say about a woman who arrived and went to work to make the place more of a home. Without comment or complaint, just as if she belonged there. Not a shifter, though. He’d always thought they’d end up with someone from another pack. Only Gerri’s stellar reputation convinced him to try an ordinary woman.

But she wasn’t ordinary, was she? Extraordinary in every way. Beautiful. Smart. She loved the grandeur of the mountains and didn’t fear heights. And she was one heck of a good sport who saw the loveliness of the home they had neglected. The one their mother had cared for until their father’s health required they move to a lower altitude. They’d always talked about updating the place, too.

Reaching to turn the water off, he heard a sharp intake of breath and peeked over his shoulder. Their lovely curvaceous guest stood in the doorway, and he had to think that gasp was for their remodel. Standing, he wiped his damp hands on a towel and turned to face her. “It is nice, isn’t it? We worked on it all last summer. You wouldn’t believe the shape it was in when we started.”

She blinked and gave a little shake. “Oh. The bathroom. It’s nice.” Then that sweet smile curved her lips. “And yeah, I’d believe it. I’ve seen the rest of the place, remember?”

He knew. But her smile was infectious and he waved her in. “It’s all yours. Towels on the sink, lots of sundries in the cabinet. We’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” As he headed past her for the door, he wished with all his aching heart and equally aching groin that he wasn’t leaving. But they’d wait for her signal she wanted them to approach. It was their way.

A hand landed on his arm, and he looked from it to her face, which was far more flushed than the steamy bathroom called for. “I-you…that is, do you have to go downstairs?”

What? Frozen in place, he struggled to find words. He needed clarification. “There’s no need to be afraid. I checked for spiders when I came up.” Her fingers tightened. “And I swept and dusted too, just to be safe.”

“I’m not worried about spiders right now.”

“Then what? Are you saying? Pardon me if I’m misunderstanding. I don’t want to assume. Are you saying you want me to stay upstairs while you bathe.”

Her voice was so low, he had to lean in to hear. “Not just upstairs.”

He cleared his throat. “In here? With you?”

“And him, too.”

Clark had come up at some point and stood in front of him. He’d been too focused on her to notice. Which was saying something when the man took up the whole doorway. The world narrowed to the three of them.

And he was starting to sound like an idiot. “You want the two of us to stay in here and keep you company while you take a bath.”

A little shudder ran through her, and the flush on her cheeks deepened. “I’m not good at this.”

Clark pushed in and stood between them. “I think you are. Beautiful girl, are you saying you want us to take a bath with you?”

She nodded.

“You know what that means.” He cupped her chin and studied her face. “We’re grown men who only get naked with women where sex is about to happen. Is that what you want?”

She nodded again. Ty’s heart hammered so loud, he almost didn’t hear her whispered, “Yes, please.”

He met his partner’s eyes over her head. Unlike the other women they’d taken to their bed, this one was more than a fun evening for all concerned. If they moved too fast, if she panicked or if they did something else wrong, they could blow it.

Although a curvy handful, she looked so delicate compared to him and Clark looming over her. But no was not an option. When your mate invited you to get naked with her, that’s what a bear did. Even if you wondered whether she knew what she really asked for. Humans didn’t have mates in the same way their people did, so far as he knew. Sure, they married, and many stayed together for their whole lives…but mating was forever. A joining not just of hearts and minds, but souls.

Clark’s gaze held an intensity he’d never seen before. But they’d been bonded for a long time. He knew the other bear had the same concerns. Then Clark gave a slight nod and pulled his shirt over his head. Correct as always. But they’d have to take things slow…and no biting. Not tonight. As long as they held back that bit, she could leave without ill effect. That would not be the same for them. They’d be sentenced to a life without their mate, after meeting her. One man in the tribe had experienced that. His mate had not walked away, but she’d been shot by a hunter right after their mating was completed. Only good luck enabled them to whisk her body away before the human authorities found it. The one left behind lived a sort of half-life, stumbling through the motions, merely existing. Only incredible courage kept him going at all.

Jenni clasped her hands in front of her, watching Clark undress with wide eyes and her lower lip held between her teeth. He didn’t blame her. Despite his apparent bulk, Clark’s frame was all muscle and not an ounce of fat. The time they spent in the back country gave them both powerful leg and arm muscles. The other man could dig a victim out of an avalanche without breaking a sweat.

Ty disrobed to his undershorts as well, more than ready to sink into the tub with their mate. Jenni made no move to undress, and he hoped she hadn’t changed her mind. Coming up behind her, he rested his hands on her hips and drew her back against him. “Arms over your head, beautiful.”

To his pleasure, she obeyed, and he drew her sweater over her head, revealing creamy skin and an overflowing lacy bra. Clark, similarly clad to him, dropped to his knees and unlaced her sneakers, one by one. When he lifted her foot to remove the first one, Ty looped an arm around her waist and drew her back to rest against his body again. His cock hardened even more. Her breath hitched. She could have no doubt of his desire for her.

After removing her shoes, Clark followed with the wooly socks and then reached for her waistband. She trembled in Ty’s arms, and he murmured soothing nothings in her ear to calm her. “You’re so beautiful, and you’re all ours.” He grazed the shell of her ear with his lips. “We need to get your underthings off before the bath cools. Can you stand?

She nodded then shook her head, and he moaned deep in his throat, continuing to support her while Clark unhooked the front clasp on her bra and let her full, deep-rose-tipped breasts spill free. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples then bent to take one in his mouth, and she whimpered.

“Now your panties,” Ty murmured. “How much do you like them?” She didn’t answer, so he shifted her onto one arm and gave the delicate lace a jerk. “Clark, get in and I’ll hand her to you. She’s a little wobbly.

She was a lot wobbly.

Clark stepped out of his boxer briefs and into the foamy water, sinking up to his shoulders before reaching up. Ty lifted their mate off the river rock floor, which was warmed by a series of hot-water pipes, and passed her to his partner, who settled her on his lap. From her startled expression, his erection was right up against her sweet, bare cunny.

Before he joined them, Ty piled several towels on the wide ledge of the tub. Then he removed his underwear and stepped into the water, settling opposite the other two. The warmth enclosed him, and he sighed. Although he and his fellow polar bears had no problem with cold weather—especially when wearing their fur—his human side still relished the heat driving out the chill. “This is good.”

Jenni’s tentative smile warmed him even more. “This is amazing.”
