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People had made all kinds of suggestions about where to have our honeymoon. We’d saved up and had a lot of options, had been considering where to go for a long time, but when it came down to it, no place we came up with offered everything we could find in our very own Eastern Sierras.

In a small pack like ours, weddings, funerals, birthdays…everything was cause for celebration by everyone. Lots of delicious homemade food, gorgeous and tasty cakes prepared and decorated by Sange, whose talent was renowned far beyond our lands. Ice cream churned by the kids using ice gathered from the high glaciers. Dancing and singing and always, afterward, a run.

Our mating day would live forever in our memories. To be so loved by our people—the future looked bright. When we got home, we’d return to ordinary life, but as was our pack tradition, we’d still be spoiled rotten with delicious homemade meals and way too many incredible baked goods. We could also expect at least two or three cords of firewood piled by the cabin, new quilts for the bed…

Most other packs, from what I heard, did something more like the humans with presents at the wedding/mating celebration, but ours had the charming tradition of making sure the new couple returned to a well-stocked home. Such a great system. In one case, where the couple were newly joined to the pack, while they were in San Francisco for their honeymoon, we built them a cabin. They’d been living in an abandoned one, just a little better than a lean-to, and when they saw their new home, they wept.

Trace and I were born and raised in the Ludy Lake pack, best friends from toddlerhood. As I laid a fire for cooking breakfast in the morning, I breathed the cold, clear air and tipped my head back to look at the snow-capped mountains all around us. We were low enough at our campsite that no snow carpeted the ground, but there was enough of a chill in the air that we’d decided to pitch the tent instead of sleeping under the stars this last night.

The Goddess had given me my best friend as a mate, something few were granted, and my gratitude overflowed. I walked around the clearing, making sure we hadn’t left anything on the ground that might attract bears. We might be able to shift to wolves, but the best way to get along with the wildlife in our forests was not to do anything to aggravate them. So our food, hot cocoa packets, even toothpaste went in the bear bag slung over a tree branch high above where anyone—and by anyone, I meant any bears—could reach.

“Mate, are you coming in?” Trace sounded sleepy, but this was not my first rodeo—or night spent with the lusty male I would be spending the rest of my life with. “Let’s get some rest. We have a long way to travel tomorrow.” And we couldn’t do it four-legged because our packs were too large to carry in that form.

“I’m coming, love. I can’t believe our honeymoon is already over.”

“Well it took us long enough to get to this point.” He chuckled, the bass rumble that never failed to reach deep inside me and flip my tummy with need. My cock went to full-readiness mode. “I thought you’d never recognize our true connection.”

“Really?” This old discussion. “I’ve been in love with you since we were ten. I’m sure you were at least twelve.” And we hadn’t expressed it to one another until we were twenty… “I unzipped the tent flap and sat down to take off my boots, leaving them just inside the door. It wasn’t a huge tent, but it was big enough to house two large men and their camping gear—sans the bear-desirables. Small enough for our body heat to keep us cozy so long as the notoriously sticky zipper actually worked. “You don’t need anything before I crawl in? Water?”

“No, I’ve got some for us in case we get thirsty. Right now, the only thing I want is you.”

“And I’ll never get tired of hearing that.” Quickly stripping out of my jeans and shirt, I joined him in our double sleeping bag, the one gift we’d gotten ahead of time because we’d need it for this trip. His body heat had already warmed our nest, and he, like me, was sleeping nude for a couple of reasons. “Do you really think this is the best way to keep warm?” I teased. “Because a lot of people sleep in thermals on such a cold night. It’s probably twenty out there.”

“Absolutely.” He reached for me and threaded his fingers in my hair, bringing my face close to his. “Aren’t you warm enough?”

“No.” I released a heavy sigh. “I was out there doing all the nighttime work while you were lazing around here napping.” Giving a fake shiver, I snuggled close to his body, his cock brushing my belly.

“It was your turn,” he griped, but his voice held more humor than protest. “But I suppose I should make it up to you. Any suggestions?” Trace’s fist closed around my cock as his lips found mine, and I couldn’t have answered if I wanted to. He tasted like cocoa and gingersnaps, our bedtime treat, and like himself. The strongest aphrodisiac I could imagine. Rolling me onto my back, he propped up on his arms and continued kissing me, his tongue exploring territory it had traversed many times in the last months, and even more often during this trip.

We’d planned to continue north, maybe even visit another pack or two, but somehow we’d never gotten far from home. After hiking a few hours a day, we’d stop and set up camp then take a nap together, leading to…well, to what we were doing right now.

I rocked my hips, the universal signal for “put this in your mouth.” Well, maybe not universal, but it was ours and he grinned and gave it a squeeze. “Eager, aren’t you?”

“For you, always. And that’s not a strong enough word for it.” We’d been friends for so many years, never even experimenting as others we knew were doing. Almost as if what was between us was too important for anything but the real deal.

Not that we waited until our mating ceremony, but we were fully adult the first time I plunged into his body or he closed those full lips around my cock, like now.
