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Chapter Twelve


Cerine’s home was small but warm and cozy. It wasn’t perfectly decorated and all new inside like the one we’d walked away from, but it held an indefinable something that I’d never expected to find again. We hadn’t been able to bear to burn our house when we did the others, but if it turned out that our belongings weren’t contaminated, were safe, then we might go back and retrieve some of them.

Not that she needed them. Every piece here was old and well-used but fit perfectly in its spot. If she ever decided to accept us, to recognize the gift the Goddess gave us in one another, we could make this home larger. Because I didn’t think she’d want to live elsewhere. Healer was a hereditary position that traveled through the generations within a pack. I’d never heard of a healer leaving, and judging from what surrounded us here, she was settled in her position.

I was surprised to have her say she lived a distance from the other homes by choice. Our healer had been right in the center of the village, but Cerine explained that the healers of her line preferred to live in the forest with some distance from the noise and bustle of the rest. They found it conducive to their work.

“The daybed is too small for both of you,” she’d said a while ago, “so you’ll need to take my room.” Also Incat, her pet, seemed to consider the daybed her own spot.

“We couldn’t possibly put you out.” If Trace was fully healed, I might have suggested we all sleep in the same bed, but even my wolf recognized that would be rushing her. “I’ll just sleep in the chair here.” As I had the night before, with my feet propped on the bed while I kept watch over Trace.

“No, I insist. I will be very comfortable on the daybed with Incat. I sleep here some nights anyway when I’m too tired or lazy to move after a busy day.” She smiled down at Trace. “Mates should always share a bed when they can.”

“I agree.” I agreed very much. And I let that lie there while I woke Trace and got him headed for the other room. He was still weak but doing much better already. “Come on, Mate. We’ve been upgraded to the master bedroom.”

He yawned so wide, I could see his tonsils. “Good. I want to sleep in the middle. Right between the two of you.”

“Trace, I think you’re still half asleep. What kind of dream were you having?” I shook my head quickly. “Just you and me in the master. Cerine has given up her room for us.”

“But I want my mates with me,” he pouted, letting me help him stand. “We should all be together.”

“I know, but she’s not ready.” Linking my arm with his, I guided him through the doorway to the bedroom, both of us ducking under the low lintel. This cabin’s age showed in things like the height of its doorways, the massive logs comprising its walls, and the ancient brick and river rock fireplace.

The bedroom, where I’d not been before now, was an obvious add-on. It was also log-walled, but they were probably half the size of those in the main area. The bed, however, was an antique of magnificent proportions. Plenty of room for three.

Something I wouldn’t mention because she was not ready to accept that we were mates, and until she did, it would be bad manners to press the issue. Not every alpha wolf would feel the same or behave the same as I did, but I was raised to respect females. Even with my wolf howling and pacing and getting more insistent by the moment.

Until Cerine recognizes us, we cannot do more than spend platonic time with her.

Cerine appeared beside us and tugged down the covers and top sheet. “I changed the sheets earlier, and if either of you needs anything during the night, don’t hesitate to call me. I’m a light sleeper—it comes with the job.”

“Cerine, won’t you stay for a little while?” Trace asked, crawling into the middle of the bed. “Just to keep us company?”

She hesitated, and I recognized the longing in her eyes but didn’t know why if she felt that way, she was fighting the desire. She claimed we’d been through a lot and that it wasn’t a good time to add someone to our relationship, but that didn’t affect fated mates.

Fated mates were not guaranteed to anyone, and when they happened, when the Goddess granted that very special connection, there was no decision to be made. Our wolves and our souls demanded we be together.

“Cerine, you don’t have to.” It wrenched something inside me to say that, but I wanted her to come to us of her own free will. “But there’s plenty of room.” Making my plan not to pressure her in any way moot.

“I know there’s room.” A small smile lifted the corners of her lips. “It’s my bed, and it could hold five or six people.”

“And you know this…how?” Jealousy shouldn’t be cropping up at the thought of all those people in bed with our mate. But even Trace, who was nowhere near strong enough to engage in anything, even if she threw herself at us, propped himself up on his elbows and studied her, glowering.

“Umm…when I was a little girl and my grandmother had company, all the kids ended up sleeping in here while the adults continued with their festivities.” She winked. “I wish I had a better story to tell, but that’s all I got.”

Trace’s dark eyes held a plea. “Just lie down and talk with us until we fall asleep, please? You’re very soothing and as you mentioned, we’ve had some tough days lately.”

Her tense posture released, she kicked off her slippers, and sat down on the edge of the bed. “I shouldn’t do this. It will only give you both ideas.”

I reached for her and stroked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We already have ideas. Our wolves are clamoring for you, and if I’m not mistaken, yours is for us as well. But we won’t do anything you don’t want us to. That’s a promise.”
