Page 76 of Asking For It

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And then there was nothing between us. Owen’s skin was hot against mine as he used his full body to push me back to the bed. He straddled my thigh, one knee between my legs, grabbed my wrists in his hand, and pinned them above my head.

This blew fantasy out of the water. Especially when he crushed his mouth to mine, and dragged a row of nibbles down my jaw, to suck on my neck. He pressed his leg higher, into me, giving me something to grind against.

Kingston knelt next to me on the bed. He’d lost his clothes, too. He cupped my breasts and flicked his thumb lightly over one nipple.

As I whimpered, an amazing reality drifted in to wrap around us. They were here with me because they liked me. Not for some fetish or just to get laid or to steal what I’d worked for.

This was my life. Not a borrowed night. Not something that would end in the morning, or later tonight, or in half an hour. I got to discover what happened next, after the incredible sex. And I already had a good idea it would be amazing.

Which made every touch that much more intense.

Owen let go of my wrists to straighten up and roll on a condom, and moved completely between my legs. My anticipation surged when he nudged my opening. I arched my back with a moan, pushing into him, when he penetrated me.

“Fuck.” His groan was breathless.

There was no more build-up. He pushed my legs forward, gripping the back of my thighs, and slammed inside me at a frantic pace.

Kingston continued to devour my neck. My shoulder. My nipples.

I reached out, needing him to be more a part of this, and gripped his shaft. He adjusted to give me a better angle.

A new spark of ecstasy sped over me when Owen pressed a thumb to my clit. He pushed me to the edge, then eased back, never letting up on his thrusting.

Orgasm slammed into me, and everything shifted to vivid. The touches. Sounds. Scents. It was all high definition and all consuming.

I was still wrapped in the sharpness when Kingston pulled away. He kissed the outer shell of my ear, and whispered, “Play with your tits.”

I moved my hands to my chest. Squeezing. Pinching. Tugging. Kingston knelt next to my head, cock in his fist.

“I love seeing you like this.” His words were punctuated with grunts as he stroked himself. “Laid out. Flushed. Stunning and caught up in pleasure.”

“Me too. I mean...” I hoped he knew what I meant.

Owen gripped my legs tighter, thumbs digging into my skin. He shifted the angle enough that each new thrust struck something deep inside. “I can’t...” He panted. “You feel too good. I can’t hold out.”

I clenched around him in response.

I knew those staccato grunts. The fast, stuttered sound of his orgasm. That drawn out final groan before he paused, then relaxed. He resumed a lazy, out almost to the tip then back in again pace. Then slid his cock higher, to tease my clit.

I was too sensitive. It was too much. But I didn’t want to pull away.

Kingston spilled a warm, sticky stream across my chest, covering me with ribbons of cum.

The sight, the moment, Owen’s touch, their pleasure, drew me to climax again. This one drawing out until my entire body shuddered.

I struggled to catch my breath as I collapsed back on the mattress. Owen leaned in to kiss me. More gently this time, but it was still just as amazing. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Not that my legs would let me even if I wanted to.

Kingston kissed me again, everywhere. He didn’t try to avoid the mess as he lightly teased his tongue over my nipples. Each lick sent another shudder through me, until I had to nudge him away.

When Owen returned, he tugged Kingston up, and crushed their mouths together. Oh, wow. The woman who walked away from that, from what they had, was an idiot. I didn’t know if I wanted to whistle or groan at the ghost of sensation that rushed through me.

They broke apart, and Owen used the wet washcloth he’d fetched to gently cleaned me up. A moment later, both of them collapsed on either side of me on the bed. Owen pulled me back into him.

Kingston studied us with one eyebrow raised. “I’m going to allow it. But only because he was gone for a month, and then I got him to myself for a month after that.”

“Allow it?” I let the disbelief slide into my question.
