Page 15 of Random Encounter

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When I got to work Wednesday morning, the Art room was empty. I glanced at my phone clock, and then at my computer clock, as I got logged into my machine and checked my email. Empty, of course. It was odd being so new at a job that no big tasks waited for me. I was excited for when that was no longer the case. It was a few minutes before eight thirty, but yesterday, Phillip said they both got in earlier.

They’d be here soon, I was sure of it. Until then, I’d keep poking away at the software, and pretending I had any idea what a realistic threesome would look like, lizard-enhanced gunman notwithstanding.

My phone chimed with a text from an unknown number.

We’re in the big room. Come find us.

We? Where?

I locked my machine, grabbed my phone, and wandered toward the same room Dustin gave his presentation in yesterday. That was the only big room I could think of, but I still approached with hesitation.

As I drew closer, three familiar voices drifted out, one of them Luna, telling Dustin and Phillip what to do, using words like router, CAT6, and hardwired. I rounded the corner to find the room transformed from yesterday, and the three of them at the center of the change.

A series of long tables filled the room, each with three computers behind, and three monitors, keyboards, and mice on top.

“Addie.” Dustin grinned when he saw me. “Told you she’d understand.”

“I really don’t. The text was from you? What’s going on?” On the surface, the what was obvious, but the why escaped me.

Luna pointed Dustin toward the last row of machines. “Finish checking the connectivity.”

I wasn’t used to seeing her bossy. It was cute. And a little terrifying.

“Everyone who wants to participate is doing the first beta in here today,” Dustin said as he worked. “Partly because I thought it would be fun. Partly because Ms. Queen of Security said it was the best way to ensure no one hacked us while it happened.”

Luna smirked and waggled her fingers in a wave. “We’re on an isolated network. We’re hardwired to everything, and we won’t have voice chat.”

“Wow. Are we really worried about that kind of breach?” I knew people were talking about this game, but with my limited understanding of what she was doing, this was some beyond-high-level setup.

“We’re absolutely not worried, because we’re doing things right.” Luna climbed under one of the desks and fiddled with cables. “My job is to make sure people like me don’t get in. I’d want in to this.”

Luna was a talented, and potentially dangerous, hacker—it was why she was in charge of the company’s digital security. In her case, the hacks tended to be for the challenge rather than the threat, but I understood her point. “So... what can I do?”

“Pick your faction.” Phillip joined me, placing a hand at the small of my back.

A rush of heat flashed between us. “Can I be Erudite?”

“Not unless we want to get sued.” Phillip planted me in front of a computer that was already on. “This one’s good to go. We set it up for you. You can take the online quiz or just choose from the list of descriptions, it’s up to you.”

“Back up.” I could guess at some of what he was saying, but that didn’t mean it all fit together in a clear picture. “What and what and what? Pretend I’m brand new here and start from the beginning.”

Dustin took a deep breath. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

“Smart ass.” I couldn’t help laughing. “Today. What’s going on in here and how am I involved?”

Phillip pulled up a chair next to mine. “We explained the beta. We wanted to bring the whole group together, like gaming parties used to be.”

“I borrowed some competition equipment from Rinslet.” Dustin sounded pleased with himself.

He should be. As far as I could tell, it was a nice setup.

“And the game has factions, based on who you are,” Luna said. “They’re not like guilds, and you can be in whatever one you pick, regardless of race or class, but they do come with bonuses and also wicked awesome crests. I wanted to tell you, but we’ve all been sworn to secrecy until the news goes out today.”

“I’m starting to get the impression Dustin likes his secrets,” I said.
