Page 17 of Random Encounter

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I scrolled through the outfits and disappointment sank in. “Really?”

“What?” Dustin’s hurt sounded real this time.

“I can either be super slutty or wear the dystopian version of a potato sack? You couldn’t give me a Members Only jacket and stonewash jeans?”

Phillip sighed. “No. Because this is the 2080’s, not the 1980’s, and you are not that old.”

“I’m mature for my age.” Which was funnier when I was sixteen instead of thirty-seven.

I didn’t necessarily have a problem with the outfits. They were gorgeously designed and detailed, and it was clear which bits were leather, cloth, and synthetic. But it was a little disappointing to see my Airmedic Nekokin—faith healer kitty-girl—dressed in an almost identical outfit to those I’d find in any other MMO—stomach bare, boobs barely covered, and ass not much better. “If I were playing the guy characters, what would my options be?”

“Exactly the same.” Phillip scooted to the next computer over, woke it up, and flew his fingers across the keyboard. A moment later, a similar screen to mine appeared, but this one with a tall, slender character. He had alabaster skin, pointed ears, and wore a leather harness and briefs that looked more like thin strips of electrical tape crossed over his chest and crotch.

“Huh.” I didn’t expect that. It really was the same outfit my nekokin had access to. “Yay equality?”

Dustin sighed. “There are genre expectations. We had to stick to some rules.”

“You think you could do better, I assume?” There was a challenge in Phillip’s voice.

Could I? “I could do differently. I’d rather be wearing what I would design.”

“You’ve done a lot of outfit design for games?” Dustin’s tone wasn’t condescending, but it did make me bristle.

As a matter of fact, I had. “We were raised in a strict, conservative household. My brother’s version of rebelling was to mod video games to be what he wanted. He let me play, and he let me make clothes for the characters. Final Fantasy Seven was my favorite, and Tifa never looked more awesome.”

“Sounds like she’s volunteering.” The fun was back in Dustin’s voice.

Phillip nodded. “Adrienne’s next task is to make better beginner outfits. And keep in mind, when we beta test, we’re supposed to find things for other teams to fix.”

Luna clapped. “Can we have wings?”

“Wings are for later in game,” Phillip said as if it were obvious. “You have to earn the right to fly.”

Luna stuck her tongue out at him. “Decorative wings. To hint at what’s to come.”

“Buy me coffee tomorrow morning, I’ll give you wings.” I wasn’t above bribery when the cause was good.

Phillip sighed. “We retain veto power.”

“Nope.” Luna shook her head. “Adrienne says I get wings on my beginner clothes. I get wings.”

Phillip, Dustin, and Luna gave me a brief tutorial on the controls, though it didn’t take much. At least on the surface, the functionality was the same as most games out there. I was an odd blend of disappointed and relieved. Catching on fast would be easy, but I wanted the revolutionary game I’d been promised.

Dustin held out his little finger in a hook shape. “It’s there. Pinkie swear.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Which wasn’t like me.

“Your expression said it all. And you’re not the first to react this way.” Dustin wiggled his finger. “Lincoln is top notch at intuitive user interface design.”

“Damn right I am.” A voice came from behind, and I realized people were joining us.

I hooked my pinkie through Dustin’s. “Okay. Trusting you that the game gets more innovative as it goes on.”

The groupings everyone sat in were similar to those I saw in the kick-off meeting. Dustin and Phillip took the spots on either side of me. Probably so we’d be in a team, but I liked being between them as a general idea.

Luna sat across from us, next to a woman with long, dark hair that cascaded in soft curls around her shoulders, and a slender man with dark hair and a sharp nose.

Dustin stood and whistled sharply. “I’ll make this quick, because you all know why we’re here. Dev is on speaker as well as wandering the room to take notes about any issues we find. You know how the game works. At least try to pretend we’re as new as all the other players. Any questions? Good. Going live in ten. Nine. Eight.”
