Page 24 of Random Encounter

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Brandon leaned toward me. “That’s Reese. She can’t sing and drum at the same time, so she pre-records.”

I barely knew more than the average person about music, and only because my parents were convinced that learning to play flute would be good for me, but I liked what I was hearing.

A heavy guitar riff joined the beat, and a blond man with an easy smile and hair buzzed close to his scalp stepped onto stage, his fingers flying wicked fast up and down the neck of his guitar. I recognized Danny from the photos Brandon kept in his office, but a still shot didn’t capture the energy he radiated.

The lights flickered and blinked out, but the music never stopped.

“Wait for it.” Phillip’s whisper blended with, and helped build, the anticipation.

A glow started from the lights around the stage, growing and expanding through the room, and illuminating a woman center stage with a wireless mic in hand.

Pin-straight violet hair hung around her shoulders and halfway down her back, framing an elf-like face decorated with triangle sunglasses. Her collar had spikes and her vinyl jacket hugged her tightly enough her breasts looked like they might pop out if she bent in a certain way. The way her hair flew and caught the light with each bob of her head said it was a wig.

But when she opened her mouth and the opening line to Amen by Halestorm came out, nothing mattered except her voice and the backup music and vocal.

I was captivated. The next hour passed in a wave of incredible music—some covers some original music—that grabbed me by the soul and held me tight.

When Reese announced they were going to take a break, I felt like I could breathe again, and at the same time was disappointed at the pause in the experience.

“Well?” Brandon watched me expectantly.

“Holy shit, wow,” was the best I could manage.

Brandon grinned. “Told you so.”

“How... That is...” There was no way I was at a loss for words. “How do more people not know about them? Where is everyone? Why aren’t you running their hype machine?” I asked Dustin.

Dustin winced, and Brandon’s smile faltered. “It’s complicated,” Brandon said. “Short version is, shitty contract.”


Brandon nodded. “Pretty much. What do you think of your first week here?”

I still wanted to screw the men I shared an office with, or watch them screw, or do anything with them that involved nakedness. Oh, and the art and tech were amazing. It took a lot of restraint to keep all of that from popping out of my mouth. “It’s everything I was promised, and more. Especially the nakedness.” Damn it.

“If you’ve heard any of Cole’s stories, you probably expected that,” Brandon said.

I shook my head. “Does Cole really strike you as a story person? Besides, I’d rather not ask for details about that part of his life.” I held up my hands. “Don’t misunderstand, I don’t have a problem with listening to stories about all of you fucking—” I winced. I could gloss over that. “—but talking about my brother’s boyfriend’s sex life is a step away from talking about my brother’s sex life, and I’m going to draw a line before we take that step.”

Brandon laughed. “That’s fair.”

“You may need to get used to it,” Phillip said. “We’ll respect your wishes, but this entire industry is incestuous.”

Dustin wrinkled his nose. “Really? You couldn’t use a better word?”

Brandon shrugged. “I mean, Cole is Judith’s ex, and Judith stole us from Step Daddy Scott and Zach.”

“Ugh, could you not call them that?” The new voice drew my attention to Danny and Reese, who had joined us. Danny settled into Brandon’s lap without hesitation.

That was sweet.

“They’re sexy,” Reese said. “How many tech execs can say that, and keep it up for two decades.”

“Too. Much. Alpha.” Danny draped an arm around Brandon’s neck.

Reese rolled her eyes. “I want a lap.” She looked at Dustin.

Envy pinged my thoughts. What would it be like to be so bold and just claim a spot on some smart, sexy guy’s lap? Specifically, Dustin’s lap.
