Page 64 of Random Encounter

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No mention of Phillip.

“I’ll drop you at home so you can get ready, and meet you at the office,” Dustin said.

“Sounds good.”

We got dressed and we were on our way.

I couldn’t handle another drive full of silence. Not with my brain bursting to capacity with questions. “What are we?” My question tumbled out without a point of reference.

Dustin drummed a thumb on the steering wheel. “People? Skin sacks full of water?”

“Friends? Co-workers? Lovers?” I hadn’t lost the ability to be painfully direct and blunt. Go, me.

“Every day at work is a struggle to prove my credibility. A former co-worker is accusing me of plagiarism. I just found out the person I thought was in this with me through everything, one of my closest friends, was keeping a massive secret… I don’t know if you want to hold any of those labels,” Dustin said. “I don’t know much of anything right now. Except that you probably aren’t capable of lying to me.”

There was that.

Dustin pulled up in front of my apartment building. He squeezed my hand before I climbed out of the SUV. “See you at the office.”

I nodded and forced a smile, then headed inside. I rushed through my morning routine, and headed into the office. Dustin was already there, no surprise, and he looked up from his work long enough to give me a weak smile.

Phillip arrived a short while later, announcing himself with a hey.

Dustin scowled and pushed back from his desk, managing to make rolling wheels squeal on linoleum. “I have some calls to make.” He headed into the vacant office and shut the door behind himself.

So much for everything being better this morning.

“I’ll give him some time to cool off, then talk to him,” Phillip said.

Apologize?It wasn’t my place to correct him, so I nodded.
