Page 91 of Random Encounter

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Phillip treated me to another incredible and drawn-out kiss before I left the office. And after a long goodbye kiss from Dustin at home that wasn’t nearly long enough, I made him go back to work. I didn’t like that I had to wait until tomorrow night to see them again, but I did need to heal at least a little more.

Their words, the sweet, the sexy, and mostly the love, both helped and added to the feeling of missing them. The rush of hearing I love you from two different, both incredible men was better than any painkiller high. It was enough to fall asleep to, in a longer nap than I’d taken in ages.

Dinner and watching TV after with Graham, Luna, and Cole was nice—it was fun to sit and catch up and talk and poke fun at our favorite characters on the screen—but when I got a text from Dustin, I excused myself to my temporary room, and closed the door behind me.

What are you wearing?Dustin’s message read. He’d added Phillip to the thread too.

The lead-in was cute, but I wasn’t feeling particularly sexy. A sling, and the baggiest nightgown I own.

Hot. Send pics, Phillip wrote.

I shook my head at the empty room. I feel way too hammered for that.

Instead of either of them replying, my phone rang. “Hello,” I answered.

“You’re gorgeous no matter what,” Dustin greeted me.

“You happy now?” Phillip’s sigh was exaggerated. “You got to the sweet line first this time?”

It felt incredible to smile. “Next contest—who’s going to send me the first dick pic?”

“Dude. Inappropriate,” Phillip said.

Now I was laughing. “Don’t tell my boss on me.”

“What’s in it for me?” Dustin asked. “I’ll show you my dick.”

“Moment’s passed, and I’ve seen it.” God this felt good. Natural. It didn’t matter that the conversation was ridiculous, I loved it.

Dustin snorted. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“I don’t even know anymore. I’m just having fun.” So much fun.

“I miss you.” Phillip’s tone softened. “My pillows won’t smell like you much longer.”

“Uuuugh.” Dustin dragged the word out. “Creepy, dude.”

“Jealous much?” Phillip countered.

Yup. Still grinning. “I miss you too. Both of you. And I miss my vibrators.” Where did that come from? Didn’t matter—I was rolling with it. “I wonder if Luna will make an extra trip…”

“You’re putting us in the same category as battery operated boyfriends?” Dustin sounded hurt.

I had a feeling he wasn’t really, but I’d reassure him anyway. “Not even for a heartbeat. But I have a feeling they’ll be far gentler with me.”

“Challenge accepted,” Dustin said. “Tomorrow night, we’ll show exactly how gentle we can be.”

“Hard to be rough having dinner.” I wouldn’t be able to pretend even a second longer that was all I thought we were going to do.

“Depends on who we’re having for dinner,” Phillip said.

“You, in case that wasn’t clear,” Dustin added.

I assumed, but I liked the confirmation. “Promises promises.”
