Page 19 of Fighting For It

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Oz swung the door shut.

I should be mad that he did so without asking me first, but I didn’t want to see Graham.

“Luna.” Graham’s voice was muffled as he knocked again.

He’d said he wanted to apologize.

Why did it matter? I had Oz now, even if I didn’t, Graham had his chance. Though... I sat in bed, sheets pulled up to my chin, staring at the doorway. Why not both? My wonderful, pre-coffee, meme-driven brain asked. Oz specifically used the word exclusive yesterday. As in, we weren’t.

Was that the stupidest thought ever to entertain after how amazing last night was? Maybe. Did that stop me from doing exactly that? Nope.

“Up to you,” Oz said. “I won’t be offended if you give him five minutes.”

“Breakfast?” I offered weakly, not sure what I was asking.

“Can you promise me you won’t be thinking about this very moment the entire morning if you don’t talk to him?”

I could lie and promise that. But not really, because I was super bad at lying. “I’m here with you.”

“If he hadn’t pushed you away, would you have gone out with me last night?”

I had no idea if Graham would’ve been as amicable about Oz as Oz was about him. Though, given Graham’s whole this is for your own good attitude, probably not. “I would’ve wanted to.”

“If you want to talk to him, talk to him. I won’t take it wrong. I meant the things I said yesterday.”

I raised my brows as all the things Oz said rushed into my thoughts, carried on his heavy, seductive tone, including the part where he called me a dirty slut—in the best way possible—and said he wanted Graham to watch us fuck.

Great, now there was a throb of desire between my legs, because I’d do that in a heartbeat... after a lot of overthinking.

I climbed from bed and pulled on a T-shirt. “I’ll talk to him and then I’m yours again.”

Oz wrapped his arms around my waist before I could grab a pair of panties. He crushed his mouth to mine as he slipped a hand between my legs to tease his fingers over my bare, damp skin. He growled against my lips. “You’re mine the entire time, but otherwise, I agree.”

That shouldn’t turn me into a gooey puddle of desire. It totally did. I dressed quickly and opened the door. Graham was still there. I kind of didn’t expect that. Would he ask to speak with me alone?

He looked past me, and then met my gaze. “The two of you are just friends?”

“Things have changed.” I’d rather do this in front of Oz. He sounded sincere when he said he was fine with it, and I believed him. But I didn’t want any misunderstandings later. Besides, he made me feel safe. Not that Graham would hurt me physically, but he had the potential to do a number on my heart. “And yes, he knows what happened—and didn’t—between us,” I said.

“And he’s okay with being your rebound guy?”

I scowled at the phrase.

Graham frowned and shook his head. “I didn’t mean that.”

“You did,” Oz said. “And I’m okay with Luna and I defining our relationship, not you.”

I wanted to get this bit over with. Yeah, there was an animalistic appeal in being fought over, but I hated conflict. Especially being at the center of it. “This is why you’re here?”

“I’m here to apologize to you, and hopefully talk.”

I crossed my arms. The physical barrier was to remind me I wouldn’t listen to a weak apology that part of me hoped would be so good I couldn’t ignore it.

“When you showed up the other day, when you kissed me...” Graham trailed off and looked past me toward Oz again. “Can we do this outside?” He nodded to the steps next to him.

There it was. I shook my head. “I’m good here, thanks.”
