Page 3 of Fighting For It

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That didn’t mean it was a good idea to drop in unannounced. I didn’t know anything about his life now. But looking him in the eye and apologizing was much better than a text. If he wanted me gone after that, I’d be on my way. Would he be indifferent? Hate me?

“Well?” Oz’s question startled me.

I showed him the address. It spoke for itself.

“You’re going over there?”

I nodded. That answered my question. My racing thoughts wouldn’t slow until I did something about this.

Oz jerked his head toward the parking lot. “I’ll drive.”

“No. It’s okay. You’ve got stuff to do. I won’t ask you to chauffeur me around the city. I got it. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you for everything.” I was already sliding toward the door.

Oz grabbed my wrist, and a shock of heat spilled inside. “You didn’t ask. You’re not going alone.”

I could argue, but I liked him looking out for me. Besides, if I was babbling at him, I could stay out of my own head on the trip, and we’d get there a lot faster. “Okay.”

I loved Oz’s truck. It was one of those big old Fords that had been around longer than me. He kept it in top shape, and it suited him perfectly. He gave me a hand up into the passenger seat, before taking his own spot.

My plan to fill the space with chatter failed. I couldn’t stop my brain from the if-then loop it was stuck on over what I was supposed to say to Graham.

We got to the address on my phone way too soon. The building was an old house. Stepping inside revealed four apartment doors. Not an unusual layout for Salt Lake. The only reason my feet didn’t freeze in place was I didn’t want to hold Oz up.

I approached Apartment C, muttered two conflicting prayers for there to be no one home and for Graham to answer, and knocked.

The seconds ticked away. We should go. Locks clicked on the other side. We should have gone.

The door swung open, and Graham’s wide-eyed stare landed on me. He looked incredible. Dark hair, penetrating gaze, and warmth in his hesitant smile. “Luna. What are you…? Not that I’m complaining, but why are you here? How did you find me?”

“I had a good teacher,” I said shyly. “Probation is up. We can talk to each other again.”

“Yeah. Who’s the bodyguard?” He nodded behind me.

I glanced at Oz, before focusing on Graham again. “This is Cole. He’s a friend.”

“Just a friend?”

My heart hesitated but my mind spit out an immediate answer. “Yes.” Impulse took over, and I threw my arms around Graham’s neck. “I missed you. I’m so glad I found you.”

“Me too.” He returned the hug, squeezing tightly. His warmth, the scent of aftershave I still remembered years later, his voice—they were all perfect.

I should pull away, this wasn’t the kind of relationship we had, but I didn’t want to let go. Disappointment slipped through me when he finally released me and stepped away.
