Page 31 of Fighting For It

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“Not yet, you mean.”

This wasn’t what Violet was implying, no matter how much I wanted otherwise.

“How was it? How was he?” Violet asked. “Them?”

“Just him.” I was intently aware of Graham’s gaze on me too. It wouldn’t be hard to guess what I was talking about, even with only half the conversation. “And amazing.” I didn’t want to discourage Graham, but I wasn’t going to hide that away for his benefit.

“Details when you don’t have an audience. Or at least, more detailed impressions,” Violet said. “Why do you want to be on Sadie’s channel?”

I gave her a brief rundown of what Graham proposed and how we were approaching it.

“Everyone is going to be watching you, if you do this,” Violet’s teasing had melted to concern. “You can’t do some things public and not all of them.”

“You do.”

She sighed. “True, but there’s still a lot more of our lives out there than you’re going to be comfortable with when it’s you.” One of her boyfriends, Ramsey, had been in politics, and still loved the spotlight. That meant she and Hunter caught the edges of it as well.

“My name is already out there. This way, I can control the narrative.”

Violet tsked.

I rolled my eyes. “I know, I can’t completely control it, but I can drive some of it.” I had to believe that. “I’ve already been evicted over it.” I hadn’t meant to let that slip.

“No, L. It’s okay. We have a guest room, and you’re always welcome here.”

I didn’t know what I was going to do about the apartment situation, but I wasn’t going to be comfortable living with Violet’s guys. I liked them fine, but I wasn’t close with them like I was her. “Can I let you know?”

She sighed. “Okay. I’ll talk to people and get back to you. Do you want them to go through me, or call you directly?”

I’d much rather they go through Violet, but she’d take it on herself to become my assistant in this, and the last thing she needed was me piling more work on her. She did that just fine on her own. “Send them directly to me,” I said. This was my project, and I needed to dive in headfirst. Hiding in the shadows except during interview time would only make the task more difficult. “And thank you.”

“Always,” Violet said.

We chatted for another minute or so before disconnecting, and I rejoined Oz and Graham on the blanket.

“Stay in one of my apartments,” Oz said.

I shook my head. That was as bad as intruding in Violet’s life. “That’s how you make your money, and right now, I can’t afford any place you rent.” Not that he was running high-end condos, but I barely had the couple hundred a month for my tiny studio.

“I’m not going to miss it for a single unit, I promise. I’d offer to pay for your new place instead, but you wouldn’t take that.”

I shook my head. “No. I wouldn’t.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll move you when you’re ready.”

I didn’t remember saying yes, but it was one less thing I’d need to worry about now.

“I wouldn’t have minded if you shared details.” Oz settled a hand on my thigh.

Warmth seared through me at the touch and the light shift in topic. “I shared enough.”

“I wouldn’t mind details either.” Graham’s statement caught me off-guard. Before I could ask him if he was serious, he shook his head. “Did you see this new rendering algorithm they’re hyping from EdgeBite?”

I could be disappointed at the rapid change in subject or I could be delighted that Graham wanted to talk about the same tech that caught my eye a few days ago. “Yes. The applications are so numerous.”

“I’m sorry, did your bear just roll his eyes at me?” Graham looked at Oz with disbelief.

Oz’s growl reinforced the nickname. “If you’re going to call me anything, G-man, call me Daddy.”
