Page 33 of Fighting For It

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“You’ve put a lot of thought into this.” If Oz wasn’t careful, he might start exhibiting distinct emotions beyond grr and hmm.

“And you haven’t?” I asked playfully.

Oz’s expression was stoic, but one corner of his mouth tugged up. “I haven’t done an in depth analysis of whether or not Harry Potter and The Magicians take place in the same universe, no.”

“Do you want to? Because we can go all night, and it’s a lot of fun.” And now my mind was tripping over all the things we could spend all night doing, and most of them involved fewer clothes, and far more tangible magic wands.

When Oz opened his mouth, I was certain he’d say no. His, “It’s tempting,” was a glorious surprise. “But we’re not shipping Elliot with Draco.”

I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

Graham looked horrified. “Elliot and Quentin forever.”

“Finally something else we agree on,” Oz said.

I was grinning like a loon. “I knew the two of you had more in common than me.”

“We both have good taste. That’s obvious.” Graham was watching me with those dark eyes again. “You’re proof of that.”

“Again, I can’t argue.” Oz’s phone rang, and he glanced at the screen. “I need to take this.” Like that, he was unreadable again.

I wanted to yank him back as he walked away. I wasn’t ready to surrender this moment.
