Page 65 of Fighting For It

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“So cool.”

The conversation drifted from there.

I stayed later than I should, and was bleary-eyed on the drive home. Graham’s company numbed my frustration while I was there, but the moment I left, I was intently aware of the Luna-shaped hole inside again.

The gaping need didn’t vanish overnight, and as I trudged my way through business the next day, it only got worse.

I shouldn’t have promised Violet I’d stay away, which was why I found myself at their condo that evening, regardless.

Ramsey answered. Even if we’d never met, I’d know who the guy was. He had that kind of public presence.

“Can I help you?” His voice was cool.

I didn’t blame him, but it wouldn’t stop me. “I’d like to see Luna.”

“You’ve got the wrong place.”

“Five minutes. I don’t give a fuck if you all want to listen in. Let me talk to her.”

“Can’t help you.”

Go get her now. The command roared in my head, and I was barely conscious of drawing myself to a straight-backed posture that emphasized my height. “Please.” My voice was tight, and the word came out as an order rather than a request.

Ramsey clenched his jaw and his spine went rigid.

Hunter stepped up beside him, and rested a hand on Ramsey’s arm, but his attention was on me. “Leave, or I’ll call the police.”

Barging my way into the place and forcing Luna to talk to me wouldn’t help anything, and I’d feel like an ass. The desire was still there, though. I forced myself to relax as I exhaled. “All right. I’m gone.”

I’d spent years living alone, and now I was reluctant to return to an empty house. I headed for Graham’s instead. It would be easy to pretend the choice was strictly because of our shared interest in Luna, but I also wanted Graham’s company.

He let me in and grabbed me a soda. I shrugged off the beer this time, since I didn’t need any help marring my judgment today. I settled on the couch. “I went to Violet’s. It didn’t go well.”

Graham scoffed. “Me too. No one answered. Probably for the best.”

“I held back for so long with Luna. Wanting her to have similar chances to what I had. I understand why you pushed her away for her own good. But telling her I was interested opened a floodgate. She pushed my inner hermit away. Somehow you do too.” I didn’t know where the confession came from, but it helped numb that emptiness again.

“So I’m your substitute Luna? Aren’t I too old for you?” Graham teased.

I raised an eyebrow. “Touché.”

Stopping by Graham’s after work became an easy habit. Neither of us made the mistake of going to Violet’s again, but I couldn’t help leaving another message or two for Luna.

Four days in—was it wrong that I was keeping count—Violet called me.

“I get it, I do,” she said. “It’s not up to me to tell you if what you’re doing is love or just obsession, but if Luna doesn’t want it, it’s stalking. Leave her alone.”

