Page 78 of Fighting For It

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The door clicked open again, interrupting the moment.

“You didn’t wait for me?” Luna’s voice was playful as she stepped into the apartment.

We had a we don’t all have to be there for sex agreement that was working out great, so I wasn’t worried about hurt feelings or jealousy. When we first discussed it, I thought it would be hard to adjust, but I couldn’t imagine doing things any other way.

“I saved some things for you,” Cole said.

“Oh my head.” Luna pressed her palms to her cheeks in a perfect Home Alone impersonation. “There’s more than watching the two of you kiss?” She crossed the room to join us.

We each grabbed a wrist and tugged her to sit across our laps. She winced and shifted her shoulder, but her smile returned so quickly I could’ve imagined it left at all.

“Not that I mind,” I said. “But how did I get lucky enough to have both of you here at three on a weekday afternoon?” I was supposed to pick Luna up from work, so her arriving alone was a double surprise.

“Boss gave me the afternoon off to recover.” Luna’s tone was cheerful.

Cole frowned. “Recover from what?”

I shared his concern.

Luna pulled up her shirtsleeve to reveal a spade tattoo covered in plastic. A lot of the people at AcesPlayed had them.

My concern climbed higher at seeing the fresh ink. “You know that’s—“

She silenced me with a look. “Permanent? Yes. I’m aware. You weren’t going to question whether or not I thought about this, were you?”

I was, but not now.

“It’s a good point.” Cole didn’t seem to have the same reservations.

Luna grinned. “Yeah, the job may not work out—not that I’m worried—but even if for some ungodly reason it doesn’t, I still want a reminder that I was part of it. Of this new, incredible piece of technology.”

“Did it hurt?” I asked. Mine hadn’t been bad, but one never knew.

“Like you wouldn’t believe. I want to get another one in a few months.”

Cole nuzzled her neck. “My sexy little pain slut.”

God, I loved everything about this. Cole. Luna. Our time together. The blend of brains, personalities, and fun…

I couldn’t imagine a better future than one with the two of them in it. I never would’ve dreamed this up to begin with, it was so implausible and wonderful. I couldn’t wait to see what came next, as long as it involved all of us.
