Page 9 of Fighting For It

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“You’re right.” I needed to keep this brief. To not ramble. “I do—did—like him, and he pushed me away, for my own good.” The idea still pissed me off.

Damn Oz’s unreadable expression. He could’ve given me a never mind, or good for him, or I’ll kill the idiot bastard. Instead, silence stretched between us.

Should I pull away? I screwed up twice in a row, didn’t I?

“What did you do?” Oz asked.

“Told him he was a jerk and left.”

“Do you have a problem with what I just did?”

That freaking amazing kiss? “Are you going to tell me you waited until now, for my own good?”

“I’m going to tell you that your probation is over, and so’s your apprenticeship. I’m not your boss anymore, so it’s no longer inappropriate for me to let you know how desperately I want you,” Oz said.

Brain freeze. If Graham had done everything wrong last night, Oz was saying everything right this morning. I could kiss him, but I wasn’t over the humiliation of the last time I tried that.

“I’m not an idiot.” Oz traced a short path over my neck with his fingertips. “I don’t expect that if you have feelings for him, they’re gone. You don’t need to swear forever to me, or even exclusivity. Yet. Keep a place for me on your calendar.”

My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. I licked my lips, trying to get them to form words, but it didn’t work.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Oz’s tone was one of command.

“I really want you to kiss me again.”

He slanted his mouth over mine, and consumed me in a toe-curling, tonsil-tickling kiss.
