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“I’ll resign my bartender job once I find work in development. My boss knows it’s coming.” Despite knowing that wasn’t the job they were asking about, I couldn’t help but stall.

Matt shook his head. “Not that job.”

People made so many assumptions because I chose to take my clothes off for a living. Maybe I’d get lucky, and this would be the time when they didn’t care. “I’m self-employed. A 1099 contractor, and my gigs tend to be in the evenings and on weekends. I set my own schedule, and there are no conflicts of interest. If you were to hire me, this job, working here, would become my priority.”

“No conflict of interest unless he’s grinding in your girlfriend’s face.” Matt elbowed Josh and snorted at his own comment.

I’d just lost this job. And now my mind was wandering, to the one time I’d found myself in a situation anything like the guys across from me were joking about. I’d taken a job at a friend’s request, so I already knew I’d be dancing for friends of friends. But I’d fallen asleep with his girlfriend’s best friend? His boyfriend’s sister? It was complicated to think about.

And still, two months later, Megan popped into my head at random moments. It didn’t matter that nothing had happened. Her face would pass through my mind for no reason, or for the perfect reason. Was it weird that I knew she was getting married today?

Not that weird—I’d stripped at her bachelorette party.

“Landon?” Josh was watching me.

Fuck. I’d zoned out. “I’m sorry, say that again?”

He didn’t look impressed, but that wasn’t a surprise. “That’s all of our questions. Do you have any for us?”

I had a list—why did they like working here, who could I talk to with questions about benefits, and when did they expect to make a decision. Might as well go down the list, just in case, and try to keep my mind on job interviews rather than a random woman I’d never see again.



Ifelt both better and worse after talking to Nigel. He always made me smile, but it also made me wonder why Easton—the man I was actually marrying—couldn’t be that kind of reassuring.

Today wasn’t the day to be thinking about other men. Easton and I loved each other. We were incredible together, and he did things that made me smile too. He wanted me to be my best me. To always be achieving my potential and to let the world see that and nothing else.

He understood why it was so important to put on a perfect face for the world, and he encouraged it rather than trying to get me to do things like act inappropriately in public.

Which was why I needed to look perfect today. I needed this entire day to beperfect.

“Sit still.” Carly pointed me toward one of the mirrors in the room as she tweaked and adjusted the flowers woven through my hair.

We were three years apart in age, but looking at her face next to mine in the mirror, we were nearly twins. Except she had far fewer lines around her eyes and mouth right now, which wasn’t fair given she was the oldest sister.

Sonya was hovering, looking like she wanted to do something, but wasn’t sure what. She grabbed my hand and squeezed, offering a reassuring smile as well.

That helped more than I could put into words.

I needed to stop freaking out. Just because I was almost forty and getting married for the first time. Just because my last wedding ended in failure two weeks before it happened, because my last fiancé had lied to me about fucking someone else. Just because a very loud part of my brain was screaming that this was my last chance and if I didn’t get married now, no one would want old, single Megan…

Sure Easton and I had our arguments, but all couples did. Compromise was part of lasting relationships.

“Megan, hon.” Carly’s stern voice cut through my thoughts. “I need you to breathe normally and not hyperventilate, okay?”

Oh. Was that why I felt lightheaded? I forced myself out of my head and took a few slow, deep breaths, until the room stopped spinning.

A knock interrupted my not-quite-freak-out.


I needed to stop.

Sonya gave my hand one more squeeze and went to see who it was.

I followed her reflection in the mirror, and caught a glimpse of Nigel, before I heard his soft murmur ofI need to talk to you. She stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.
