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Nigel looked like he was ready to get violent. What would happen if Easton didn’t back down? I was more concerned about the consequences for Nigel than anything.

“Do you remember high school?” Landon’s question seemed to come from nowhere.

Did Easton just go pale? It was hard to tell in the street lights. “I remember going to high school. I remember you being there.”

Landon’s smile was cool, composed, and a little frightening. “Do you remember Brian?”

“We went to school with a couple of Brians. It was a long time ago. Really, why are you bringing up ancient history? Oh, wait. Didn’t he dump you? For a woman?” Easton looked smug.

Landon was unfazed. “Didn’t you dump him because he refused to let you tell people you were dating a woman when you were actually with him?”

The words didn’t make sense. Easton wasn’t…

Was he bi? He’d never mentioned it. Not that it mattered now, but I apparently didn’t know him as well as I thought.

The way more color drained from Easton’s face, I probably wasn’t the only one who didn’t know. “I was never with that fa—”

“Watch yourself.” Landon talked over him.

“Or what? You’ll hit me.” Did Easton think if he kept being aggressive, it would make him look tougher, or was he just terrified of losing face at this point?

Landon sighed. “I’m so tempted. But I think if I did that, you’d keep coming back. You’d make our lives miserable. Megan wants you to go away, and I agree with her.”

“Fucking hell. This is all about Megan, isn’t it?” Easton didn’t sound impressed.

“You’re here, so I assume yes,” Nigel said.

Stepping closer, Landon smirked. “Here’s the deal. You leave Megan alone for…ever. Do that, and I won’t tell everyone in your sphere of influence that you like sucking cock.”

Easton was practically green now.

Was it wrong that I was enjoying watching him being taken down a notch by the men I loved? It couldn’t possibly be.

“You don’t have proof, and that’s not a threat to you,” Easton said.

“I’m threatening you, not myself,” Landon countered. “And do you really care about exercising control over a woman you don’t love so much that you’re willing to see if I’m bluffing?”

Easton’s anger was back, contorting his face into a hard, ugly expression.

“Leave. Now. That’s my offer,” Landon said.

I was surprised when Easton did, and inside I was cheering.

I headed into Nigel’s with him and Landon, and the warm fuzzies built inside me. I was safe with my guys. Not just tonight, but every night going forward.

There would be no more wondering when the next let down would happen. When the next accusation or cruelty would come.

Because I knew Nigel and Landon actually loved me as much as I did them.

And we had the rest of our lives to explore the wonder that was this connection between all three of us.



Megan had insisted we couldn’t see her dress until she walked down the aisle. She insisted on a lot of things for our wedding, and Landon and I let her have every single one. Small ceremony, no reception, fall wedding… Everything she asked for, she got.

We were doing this at Jeremy’s, because he had the most room, and his back yard had been transformed. Outside, our handful of guests chatted, and soon Megan would descend form upstairs.
