Page 16 of B Positive

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Vampires, however, were still a fucking mystery to me.

Like, really, how had that hulking security guard waited outside the door without making a single peep? I couldn’t even hear his heart.

But even the shitty humans were easy to deal with compared to vampires.

My thoughts went to Jaxson, and the landlord I was supposed to have a talk with today.

I had to get myself out of here.

I couldn’t very well sit around feeling sorry for myself and waiting for them to execute me.

Even though I totally deserved it. I had people counting on me.

I reached out next to me for my goodie bag.

Fuck!BDD had scruffed me before I could grab it.That’s okay, that’s fine. Just pull yourself together and think, Eden.

I glanced to the window overlooking the street below.

Third-floor jump?

That wouldn’t be so bad, right?

I’d never done it before, but I probably wouldn’t break anything.

Except the window.

I shot up, marched toward the window, and kicked it out with all my considerable vamp strength. Luckily, the window wasn’t also vampire proof, or else I would have probably broken my foot. “You can totally do this,” I said, staring down through the broken shards of glass as my heart tried to beat out of my chest at the thought of jumping through that window.

But the alternative to jumping was death, so…

I jumped.


I pacedthe length of my storage room, kicking myself for not having the foresight to stash a change of clothes there.

Literally everything that could have gone wrong tonight did.

I’d gotten caught.

But at least I wasn’t dead.

Which I definitely would have been if I’d gone back to my apartment like I’d planned when I crashed through the window. Halfway there, I’d remembered that the goodie bag I’d left also had my clutch and phone in it. The king could definitely figure out who I was and where I lived with those, even though I hadn’t brought ID. So, I had to loop back around and head uptown to my storage unit.

I needed a plan.

Like, now.

But the adrenaline of the heist had long since faded and I’d worked at the bar open until close before going to the gala. Plus, I’d been burning it at both ends lately, prepping for that shit-show gala for weeks beforehand.

There was no way in hell I was coming up with a workable plan until I’d gotten a few hours of sleep. So, I did what any respectable vamp would do.

I locked myself in my own storage locker, piled up the comfiest satchels and foam case liners I could find, and made myself a bed.

Just for a few hours.

Despite bone-deep exhaustion, I could not will my mind to relax, but eventually, sleep finally came.
