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Sunny, in a beautiful yellow sundress that matched her name and her bright smile perfectly, handed me a matching yellow Starbucks cup. “I’m so sorry I had to avoid you, Eden.”

I held a hand up as I took a long, slow pull of decadent, perfectly warmed blood. “I don’t want to rehash that, Sun. I understand why it happened the way it did, and that’s all I want to say about it.”

Sunny nodded and we both sat on the sofa, helping ourselves to poached eggs and fruit salad.

After a few minutes, Sunny finally asked what she’d been wanting to. “Well? How was it? Can I see the mark? I’m probably never going to be a full vampire, let alone have a mate, so please just let me experience this vicariously through you.”

I pulled down the neck of my shirt, showing Sunny the tiny punctures.

“That’s it? I expected—”

“More? Same. Especially considering how much the bitch hurts.” I rolled my shoulder around, flexing the muscles, hoping to work out the stiffness.

“Okay, so the mark isn’t all the impressive but was the actual marking good? I hear it’s supposed to be super carnal and physical.”

I nodded, spooning a bit of egg onto a triangle of toast. “It was definitely both of those. Basically, Julian and I threw each other across the room until my fangs popped out and I bit him.”

“Where’d you bite him?” she asked, eyes wide and round.

“Right pec.”

Sunny nodded approvingly. “Good choice. If it were me, I probably would have bitten my mate’s dick.”


“What?” She eyed me innocently. “That way anytime he looks at it he knows who it belongs to.”


She giggled and popped a grape in her mouth.

We chatted through the rest of our meal about what she was wearing to the incursion—strapless Dior dress with strappy Chanel heels—and all the things she still needed to do before Friday.

It sounded like a lot. “Sun, if you need to work through your meals, I get it. You don’t have to keep taking time out of your day for me.”

Sunny glared at me. “First of all, I eat whether the king likes it or not. And secondly, I like our meals together. They’re about the only thing keeping me sane leading up to the incursion.”

I gave her a big, warm smile. “Okay. I’ll see you for lunch, then.” And I set off for the basement.


So many goddamn safes.

I was so sick of goddamn safes!

But the goal was to make it through all of them once and then double back to hone in on the new guys. And I’d already done the first part.

Now on to the second.

I kicked the first one of the day and got to work.

When lunch finally rolled around, Sunny brought it down to the basement, saying she had to eat and run and didn’t want to waste time.

Apparently there was another hiccup with the caterer that she had to attend to.

“Maybe it’s time you found a new caterer,” I offered.

“Yeah, I would, but they’re literally the only vamp-staffed company in the cove. And they know it, so they’re dicking me around.”
