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“Do you know who it might be?”

“I had thought—I’d thought that it was a groom, who I had let go several months ago. He had been drunk, more often than not. He caused quite a scene when he’d left. He’d claimed that I had ruined him, for I sent him off with no letter of recommendation.”

“He has no ties to Drysdale,” Charles murmured.

“Not that I know of,” the Duke pointed out. “I had planned to ask you to go to him, smooth things over. I believe he’s living in London now.”

“I can still go to find him,” Charles said. “It may be worth following up.”

The Duke nodded. “Yes. I think that might be the best thing to do.”

“In the meantime, if there’s anyone that you could think of who may send you threatening messages…”

The Duke seemed hesitant, but then he shook his head. “No one,” he said, sighing. “What concerns me most is that this villain knows that we’re both in the same house.”

“You may not be safe here,” he pointed out.

“I’ll have the stable hands set up a watch,” the Duke said. “Make sure that Tiverwell Manor is protected at night.”

“Good idea, Your Grace,” Charles said. “Perhaps we should question Drysdale, see what he knows of this former stable hand.”

The Duke nodded, suddenly focusing on Charles. “I should really thank you, Mr. Conolly. If it weren’t for you, and how we all trust you, then this link wouldn’t have been discovered in such a timely manner.”

“You’re welcome, Your Grace. I’m happy to be of assistance.”

“I must ask you for your utter secrecy on this matter,” the Duke said. “I do not want to cause my wife or daughter any fear. Not yet.”

“Of course, Your Grace. You have my word.”

“Good. Good.” The Duke picked up his glass, raising it to his lips. Charles noted the slight shake of his hand as he did so. The Duke drank down all of the contents, setting the glass aside. “We don’t need all of the ton knowing about it.”

Charles could tell that the Duke was afraid. Whoever had done this had struck him where it hurt—at his home, where he’d thought himself and his family safe. Charles knew that the Duke was hiding something. He wondered what it could be. Charles had the feeling that whatever reason, the Duke was far more frightened that something secret would come to light.
