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“The best married couple I know,” Stephen said, glancing at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton’s voices could be heard from downstairs. “They’ve been married for nearly twenty years, I think.”

“Twenty years of marriage and they still love each other that way?” Belle nearly sighed. “What a dream.”

“Is that what you hope for?” Stephen asked quietly.

She looked at him and shook her head. She hoped for peace, for freedom. She hoped to be untethered to her position and to do whatever she pleased. But she couldn’t deny to herself that, once in her life, she had entertained the idea of marrying for love. But that was before the last Season, when she’d learned that marrying for love in a society like this was a fool’s dream.

“I just want to be happy,” she said finally.

“And you will be.”

He said it with so little hesitation that Belle tilted her head to the side in surprise. “You sound very sure of that.”

Stephen shrugged. “The alternative would be to wonder and doubt yourself, which I’m sure you don’t want to do.”

“How odd that you speak as if you already know me.”

To that, Stephen huffed a laugh. “Perhaps I do.”

Belle smiled, but her heart panged with fear and longing. An odd combination that told her it was best Stephen was going to leave. Already in such a short time, she felt drawn to him in a way that she’d never felt before. And that was without even factoring in the kiss.

“Hannah, about that—”

“I’m tired,” she said suddenly. “I’d like to rest.”

He swallowed, nodding slowly. “All right. I’ll leave you then.”

She settled into the pillows and kept her eyes on a vacant spot by the door. She refused to watch him leave.

“I’ll come by to check on you, all right?” he said as he neared the door.

No, don’t.

“All right.”

He lingered. She still didn’t look up. Finally, he left, closing the door with a click. Belle let her eyes settle on the wood blocking her sight of him and she sighed. It’d only been a few days since she left the manor and she’d already found herself in trouble. Not only was she unexplainably drawn to a man she’d just met, but she was in London, too close to her father for her own peace of mind.

* * *

Mrs. Stanton was waiting on the bottom of the stairs for him. Stephen came a halt, eyes darting from the homely woman to her husband who stood behind her, curious.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Your Grace,” Mrs. Stanton said, her smile wide. She grasped Stephen gently by the elbow and began to steer him through the kitchen. “Matter of fact, Robert has not shut up about you since he returned.”

“Lies,” Robert said half-hearted.

Stephen chuckled. “Then we are the same, Mrs. Stanton, because I’ve heard quite a lot about you too.”

Mrs. Stanton beamed. “Robert says we are to call you Mr. Norton?”

“Ah, yes. Hannah doesn’t know of my title and I would prefer if it stayed that way.”

Mrs. Stanton nodded eagerly, pulling her pinched fingers across her lips. “Your secret is safe with me, Your Grace. I’ll make sure to let Lily and Julia know as well.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Stanton. And thank you for accepting Hannah into your home.”

As he made his way to the door, Mrs. Stanton waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, think nothing of it, Your Grace. It is only the decent thing to do. Now, you be safe on your way home, all right?”

Stephen nodded with a smiled and left, Mrs. Stanton’s warm nature following him out the door.
