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“I was not at home at the time but according to Anne, it appears to be her Father. He came in suddenly and forced her to come with him.”

Stephen released a slow breath, his heart hammering against his chest. He tried to pull the anger back to the forefront, latching on to it to be rid of the fear that had just encapsulated him. “That hardly sounds like anything you need to be concerned about.”

“I thought the same, but Anne and the girls told me how fearful she looked when she was leaving. They said it was clear that she did not want to go with him.”

“I imagine she must be afraid of the wrath she had incurred after running away from home.”

Robert shook his head. “It does appear so.”

Stephen blew air out his nose in frustration. He didn’t want to hear about this. He didn’t want to let worry seep in to disturb his fury. After everything she’d said and done, Stephen didn’t want to have any warm feelings toward her. “Robert, surely you did not come here to tell me this in the hopes that I will go find her.”

“I came to tell you this because I thought it was something you would want to know about. What you decide to do is entirely your choice.” Robert leaned back, regarding him with unreadable eyes. “It is clear to all of us that you have fallen in love with her. And she has fallen in love with you. I had no doubt that you would be worried about her after hearing this, but perhaps I was wrong.”

“I cannot trust her, Robert,” Stephen seethed. “From the very first moment we met, she lied. Everything from her name, to her reason for being in the woods in the first place. How can you expect me to be all right with such a betrayal?”

“If I recall correctly, you lied as well.”’

“Pardon me?”

Robert tilted his head to the side. “Did you not tell me to keep the fact that you are a noble a secret from her? Did you not dress like a commoner and continue lead her to believe that you were one? You were not the only one who has been dishonest, Stephen.”

The wise words slammed hard into him. Stephen leaned back in his chair, his eyes falling to the floor as the reality of their situation descended wholly on him. What Robert said was true, but Stephen didn’t want to admit it. In fact, he’d been trying to put that thought aside, to focus on the anger.

“Your Grace.” Stephen looked up to meet Robert’s gentle eyes. “Any fool with eyes can see that you are clearly still in love with her. Try to think past the lie and think about the time you two spent in each other’s company. She may have lied about who she was, but she still remains the same person. Whether her name is Hannah Brown, or Lady Belle, she is still the woman you’ve fallen for and if you do not believe she is worth fighting for, then perhaps you cannot truly call it love.”

With that said, Robert got to his feet. He downed the rest of his drink in one swift go. “No one should be that afraid from seeing their father after so long. I am concerned for her, Your Grace. We all are.”

Stephen stared at him for a long moment before he rose with a heavy sigh. “Allow me to see you out.”

If Robert was disappointed by his words, he didn’t show it. He nodded curtly and walked alongside Stephen toward the door. They said no verbal goodbyes to each other, only nodding in farewell and then the butler came to lead him out of the manor.

Stephen went back over to the chair Robert left and picked up the forgotten piece of paper with Lady Belle’s face on it. He went to the seat behind his desk and finally allowed himself to stare at the image. He studied it completely, allowing the mixture of feelings to overwhelm him.

One part of him wanted to race out this room and find her, to get to the bottom of that fear Anne had witnessed in her eyes. He knew there had to be a reason for her leaving in the first place and to have her father take her back in such a manner.

But Stephen couldn’t stop thinking about the lies, which swirled around his head as they echoed loudly. He pressed his fingers into his temple; memories of the pain he’d felt after Serena married another battled with the newfound hurt he felt from Lady Belle.

I have to find her before it’s too late.

Determination sprouting within him, Stephen got to his feet and stalked over to the door. He fully intended to do whatever he could to get to her, but before he had the chance to, someone blocked his path.

“Are you going out, Stephen?” asked the Dowager Duchess.
