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He was almost finished with his breakfast when there was a knock on the door. “Come,” he called, knowing it wasn’t his mother. She wouldn’t bother to knock and anything she had to say to him, she had been sending through servants. Stephen wondered how long she would keep her distance before she lost her patience.

“Your Grace,” the butler said, entering the room. “You have received a letter.”

“Bring it over.” Stephen was in no mood for reading letters, but he thought it was easier to deal with it straight away and then forget about it. Stephen glanced at the letter as he accepted it, intending to toss it to the side of his large table.

The name ‘Lily Stanton’ jumped out at him. He grasped the letter more firmly with a deep frown. “You may leave,” he dismissed the butler and waited until he heard the click of the door as confirmation.

He instantly opened up the letter.

Pardon me for disturbing you, Your Grace, but I believe this letter is of the utmost importance since it is in regard to someone we both love: Lady Belle Sinclair. By now, I am sure you are aware of what has happened. She has been taken back by the Duke of Auldwood and since then we have been fraught with worry about her wellbeing.

As luck would have it, she managed to escape for just long enough to visit us again, and she did not come empty handed. She brought her sincerest apologies and an explanation about everything that happen transpired since the moment she first left her home. An explanation that I am certain you would be interested in.

It is not my place to speak for her, though she has asked us to pass along her apologies to you. I fear she may be too afraid to see you again, fearing what you might say or think when you learn of her true identity. Worry not, Your Grace. Father informed us of who you truly are, but we have not told Belle. I believe that is a matter that should be left up to you.

Now, the reason I have decided to write this letter is pressing and requires instantaneous action, if you so wish to take it. I have written this the day before you are reading it, but I have decided to have it sent you in the morning in order for you see that you cannot waste any time. Belle is to be married. If I am not mistaken, the wedding will be taking place soon. Perhaps even now.

Stephen’s heart fell to the bottom of his stomach. He kept reading.

I only know him as the Marquess of Winchfield and she has made it clear that she does not wish to be married to him. I believe that if you want to help her, if you have any love in your heart for her, you will not allow this to happen. This, of course, is completely your choice, Your Grace, but I hope you will choose wisely.

Yours truly, Lily Stanton.

Stephen shot out of his seat. He was out the door before the paper made it fully to the floor.
