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“Never!” he cried, laughter in his eyes. “Though if I thought you would let me-”

Her uncle burst into the room, as though he had been waiting to be called down. Michael rose to greet him, with cool calm, as though he hadn’t just been propositioning her.

“So good to see you today,” Michael said, bowing to Francis.

“Your Grace, may I present to you my uncle, the Viscount of Rackliff, Francis Wenton. Uncle, this is the Duke of Marigold, Michael Conner.”

“My pleasure,” Michael said, bowing slightly. He was about to take a seat back on the couch when her mother entered the room.

“And, Your Grace, my mother, Lady Martha Wenton,” Lydia added.

Martha curtsied elegantly to Michael before taking her seat next to Francis.

“The Assembly was such a joyful affair, yesterday evening, was it not, Your Grace?” she asked.

“Indeed, I’m happy to have made an appearance. Your daughter is an excellent dancer,” he said, smiling at Lydia discreetly.

“She always did receive high praise from the masters.”

“I do believe that congratulations are in order regarding your recent engagement to my niece,” Francis chimed in.

Martha looked to interrupt him at the mention of the engagement, but Lydia stopped her with a subtle movement of her hand.

“Indeed, we were quite happy to appear in public for the first time, since His Grace proposed,” Lydia said, smiling affectionately at Michael. She hoped that her mother would not betray their secret to her uncle.

“Quite happy,” he agreed. “In fact, the reason that I called today was to extend an invitation to the family to join me at my estate in Marigold. I thought it would be advantageous for Lady Lydia and I to continue our courtship with less – how do you say – scrutiny?”

“I see,” Francis said, stroking his mustache.

“I did tell the duke that taking the rest of the girls away from London at this point in the Season would not be advantageous.”

“Good heavens, you are right,” Martha agreed, holding her hand to her chest in surprise. “I do expect a proposal for my youngest after last night’s ball, though it would be most irregular with all the other girls unmarried. Mr. Weller was in raptures over her.”

“We cannot allow Lydia to accompany you alone, of course,” Francis said, ignoring Martha’s polite narration of the previous night’s events. “That would be terribly improper. And Martha, of course, you must stay with the girls as their chaperone.”

Lydia noticed a slight squint in her mother’s gaze and stifled a smile. She would have to remember to ask her mother later if she had hoped to visit the Marigold estate.

Francis turned back to Michael. “I would be delighted to accompany Lydia to Marigold with you. I hear you have excellent hunting on your property.”

“I’m sure we could arrange some sport during your visit,” Michael agreed.

“How long were you imagining Lydia to stay with you?” Martha asked.

“Just a fortnight, I believe. That way, Lydia may enjoy the last two weeks of the Season as well. I would hate to deny her of her share of fun before she married.”

Michael had the audacity to wink at her in front of her mother and her uncle. Suddenly, she felt skeptical that Michael simply wanted to maintain their charade. The way that he continued to look at her implied a barely contained desire. She only hoped that he was not just a very good actor.

“We should also find the time to draw up the marriage settlements, as well,” Francis said. “I trust that we could find a solicitor out in the country?”

“We will have plenty of time for that,” Michael assured him. “I have a man I consult quite frequently. He would have trouble making it out to the country at my request.”

“Very well,” Francis nodded, a small smile spreading under his mustache. “We very much appreciate the invitation, Your Grace. I’m sure Lydia is quite looking forward to it.”

“I am,” she assured him, looking back to Michael. “I’m sure the trip will be most diverting.”

He smiled mischievously back at her.

* * *
