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“Do you think he might actually be fond of you at this point?” her mother asked. “Perhaps enough to continue your engagement in earnest?”

Lydia shook her head solemnly. “It pains me to say it, as I have grown quite fond of him while I was there, but no, I do not think that I could convince him to marry me. My only solace is that he confessed to never want to marry.”

“How bizarre indeed,” her mother murmured.

“I do not understand it all myself,” Lydia said sadly. “He professed his attraction for me, and his reluctance for me to leave Marigold. He said that he truly enjoyed his time with me.”

“I do not understand,” Marcia said. “He likes you, but not enough to marry you, then? He really is a rake.”

“He is a kind and honest man,” Lydia assured them. “But honest enough to say that he will not marry. He has promised me that he will help me secure a match, though, and I will hold him up to that promise.”

“What reason would he have to oblige, though?” Trinity asked.

“I suppose he does care for me,” she said.

“I think he loves you,” Lucretia sighed.

Lydia shook her head. “Do not encourage the stirrings of my heart, dear sisters.”

Martha nodded briskly. “Yes, it is best that we put it past us.”

“So, tell me about everything that has happened for all of you,” Lydia said. “I’m sure all of you have much more to entertain than I do.”

“Well, of course you have heard of Johanna’s engagement to Mr. Weller,” her mother said. “Trinity tells me that you called on him while he was at his new home.”

“I’m very happy for you,” Lydia said, looking to her baby sister. Johanna was blushing but smiling. “Tell me how he proposed.”

“Well, it was the day after the Assembly at Almack’s,” she started. “He called upon me that afternoon and asked to have a private audience with me in the sitting room. Of course, everyone had their ears pressed to the door. He got down on one knee, saying that I had enraptured him, and asked me to marry him.”

“That is a very concise explanation,” Lydia laughed. “Though I would not expect less from you.”

“He was very sweet about it,” she continued, blushing harder. “He said that he could not imagine marrying anyone else.”

“He was quite ecstatic when you accepted him,” Lydia informed her. “He would not stop grinning the entire time we were there.”

“You should ask Trinity about her caller,” Johanna said, trying to get the attention away from her.

“A suitor?” Lydia asked, raising her eyebrows at Trinity. “You have been remiss in your letters, Trinity, for you have not mentioned anyone in particular.”

“Why would I?” she argued, sniffing. “I’ve had no offer yet, and love is a fleeting thing. I have no faith that at the next ball this man might not find another who better suits his desires.”

“She is, indeed, remiss,” Martha said. “The caller is the Marquess of Winchester.”

“The marquess?” Lydia asked, surprised. “I have not seen him in London yet this Season.”

“He has recently returned from abroad,” Trinity explained. “He was married before, and his young wife passed in childbirth. He has a young daughter. He spent a year mourning in Europe and has returned to find a new bride.”

“What do you think of him?”

“He is an all-right fellow,” Trinity allowed.

Marcia and Lucretia rolled their eyes. “She won’t stop mooning over him,” Lucretia claimed. “She won’t tell us what she really thinks, but she always accepts him when he calls, and he calls every day.”

“You should try to get it out of her tonight,” Marcia added mischievously, knowing full well that Trinity could hear her.

“Then what about the two of you?” Lydia said, nodding to Marcia and Lucretia. “I hear the two of you are not taking your Season too seriously.”

“Why should we?” Marcia asked, laughing. “With you, Trinity, and Johanna all married this year, why shouldn’t we have our share of the fun?”

“You assume that your uncle will allow you to live here,” their mother pointed out. “We cannot assume his generosity. In fact, I may even still be looking for a home at the end of the Season.”

“Mr. Weller has already invited everyone to live with him,” Johanna said. “He says that he never had a large family of his own and he wants to share his good fortune with my whole family, whoever wishes.”

“You are far too generous,” Lydia said, smiling down at the young girl.

“You forget, Marcia, that Lydia is not actually engaged, and at the moment, does not have any prospects.”
