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“Because you have said your entire life that you would not marry,” Joseph argued, growing heated. “This is foolish, a rash decision that you will regret for the rest of your life.”

“I think I will regret not marrying her for the rest of my life if I do not!” Michael shouted back. “I will be marrying her tonight, with your blessing or not, Joseph.”

“Then, there is nothing I can say or do to convince you otherwise?”

Michael shook his head, “No, I have absolutely made up my mind. I would appreciate having your help and support in the matter.”

Joseph gave him a long look, the muscles in his jaw clenching as he thought.

“Are you going to have children with her?” he asked. “You have long sworn that you never, ever would sire a child. Are you throwing that vow away as well?”

“I have not reconsidered,” Michael said. “This is all happening very quickly. I suppose it will be something that Lady Lydia and I will have to discuss and determine what is best for us as a couple.”

Joseph scoffed. “I cannot believe this. You are just letting her change every part of you.”

“I suppose that is what happens when you truly love someone.”

Trying to persuade Joseph to support him was exhausting him to a point where he truly did not care whether Joseph changed his mind or not. When Joseph put his hand on the door, ready to leave, Michael thought he had made up his mind.

However, in a calm voice, Joseph faced the door, saying, “I will not stand in your way.”

His resignation did not reassure Michael in the slightest. As soon as Joseph left the room, Michael sighed deeply and sank to the couch behind him, running his hands over his face.

Despite everyone’s concern and surprise, Michael did not question that marrying Lydia was the right thing to do. Once he had made up his mind, he questioned why he had not made the decision sooner. Yet, a terrible feeling lingered in his breast regarding how his family would accept Lydia in the weeks, months, and years to come. After Joseph left, Michael collected his thoughts for only a moment before the butler and housekeeper came by with questions, then Lionel returned with the rings.

“I do hope they fit,” Lionel told him, pressing them into his palm. He looked earnestly into Michael’s eyes. “I am so proud of you for marrying at last. I have only ever wanted you to be happy, and I genuinely think that you will be.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” Michael said, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. Feeling the metal bands in his hand, the weight of the metal seemed reassuring.

“You have always been a kind man,” Lionel continued, clasping Michael’s arm. “I think you will make a wonderful husband.”

“Thank you, again,” Michael told him.

The sound of a carriage on the front drive distracted them both.

“That would be your bride,” Lionel nearly whispered, grinning at Michael.

“Head to the chapel,” Michael told him. “I’ll bring her up in a few minutes.”

“Of course,” Lionel told him, ducking out of the room.

Michael took a deep, calming breath again, then headed down to the foyer and on to the front steps. The night was quiet, except for the sound of the wheels of the carriage on the pavement. He could see three women within, but in the dark, even with the lantern light on the front steps, he could not make out their faces. He stepped forward, opening the door, and could barely make out Lydia’s face. Offering her his hand, he helped her down from the carriage, taking in the sight of her.

She was dressed in a dove white dress, trimmed with lace and feathers. He wondered if he had seen her at her debut years ago, dressed similarly, if he would have been as enraptured as he was in that moment. Her rosy cheeks flushed with nervousness; her chest rose and fell rapidly with the quickness of her breath.

He could only imagine the conflict she was feeling, trying to enjoy the happiness of their matrimony in such a strange circumstance. Smiling down at her, he wanted to reassure her.

“My lady,” he said, once he remembered himself. “Welcome to what will be your new London home.”
