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“I ammarried.”

“That has never stopped some men.” He slanted her a smile, then picked up a glass of water from a passing footman’s tray and put it in her hand.

“No one can steal me from Nicholas. Besides, Sir Phineas is a dear friend and not a threat.”

"Forget those men and drink some water. You look like you could use it," he said just as Nicholas joined them. “Now I must take my leave.” He allowed Nicholas to take her arm before disappearing into the crowd.

“What happened?” he asked, frowning.

“Confusion about the champagne I ordered from the cellar.” She took several sips of water before handing the glass to a footman.

“You look disturbed,” he said.

“I am fine, Nicky. Tired, perhaps.”

“Are you certain?” He seemed worried. Then he smiled and added, “You look far too lovely to have that look in your eyes.”

“What look?” She feigned ignorance.

“Come, let’s dance.”

Vanessa’s cryptic words continued to resound in her ears, especially that part where she’d said, ‘I would advise the wearer to not get too comfortable in her new dress. It just might be for someone else.’ That bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

The concern in her husband’s eyes was apparent but he did not push her for answers, which she greatly appreciated.

* * *

It was in the early hours of the morning that the last of their guests left and exhausted Jenny kicked off her satin shoes and sat down on one of the chairs that lined the walls of the ballroom, the ones reserved for the older matrons.

The sound of a champagne bottle being popped saw her turning to the sight of her grinning husband approaching with the opened bottle and two crystal flutes. “I thought we should have a toast,” he proposed, pouring the bubbling liquid and handing her a glass. "To turning new pages, to trying new things.”

"New things?" Jenny asked, raising her glass as he did. "Like what?"

"Like this." He extended his free hand and she took it without hesitation, intrigued.

As she followed him through the French doors of the ballroom that led out into the garden, anticipation began to unfurl within her. Something was happening tonight. Something magical and it was as if her husband was a different person altogether.

"I am the luckiest man in the world, Jennifer," he suddenly said as they walked hand-in-hand through the garden. He rarely called her Jennifer and every time he did, it held great consequence.

"What makes you say that, Nicholas?" she asked. "Apart from the obvious,” she added because only a fraction of England's population were as fortunate and as blessed as he was. As they both were. There was more to what he was saying right then.

"I have a wife I do not deserve." He turned her to face him, tenderly stroking her cheek. "Thank you, Jenny,” he whispered, gazing deep into her eyes. “For being in my life."

It was true. Somethinghadchanged in Nicholas. She raised her hand to cup his cheek. “I would not have it any other way, Nicky.”

He smiled. “The praises I received today from the Prince Regent and members of the House…they would have meant nothing without you by my side. You are my strength, Jenny.You.” His emotions were made visible to her. At that moment, he was not hiding.

“Oh, Nicky.” Her voice caught in her throat. This was the man she wanted, the man she had been fighting to draw out. He kissed her cheek, then plucked her champagne glass from her hand and set it down on a terrace balustrade. "Jennifer Brighton, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

Jenny laughed, placing her hand in his and allowing him to lead her to the second dance floor that had been set outside for the ball. "A dance under the stars with no music?"

“We don’t need music,” he murmured, his arm going around her waist.

"To trying new things,” she said, resting her head against his chest when he drew her close.

They danced to the mellow orchestra of nature's nightly sounds until Nicholas pulled away and suddenly scooped her up into his arms.

"Nicky!" she squealed and he laughed.

He carried her up the stairs and straight to his bedchamber. The night may have come with its moments of uncertainty for Jenny but she was very grateful for its sudden turn and where it was leading her to.

“You are mine tonight, Jenny,” he whispered, setting her down on the bed and covering her with his body. “Mine.”
